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Defeat Speed Cameras!!


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Originally posted by AsphaltAnihil8r

Ok seriously in the pic (before/after) of the car that was sprayed with the Phantom spray,,,why does it look like the pic was Photoshopped ,,the plate looks like it has a white box covering it,,,if the spray work why have to photoshop it ,,should just come out blurry from the camera:p :p

"overexposed" images - see fine print. :)
HAHAHA!!!! I like the guy in the fox 31 video from denver mooning the camera. that takes guts.
Take a thick grease on an applicator and change something in your license plate. Change a 3 to an 8, or and L to an E. Drive down some dusty roads and the grease looks black. The photgraphs will come up with the wrong car so you get no ticket. Just don't clean the plate when you clean the car.
Originally posted by BJM
Take a thick grease on an applicator and change something in your license plate. Change a 3 to an 8, or and L to an E. Drive down some dusty roads and the grease looks black. The photgraphs will come up with the wrong car so you get no ticket. Just don't clean the plate when you clean the car.

That sounds like something kids do in school to change the grade on their report card.

Make their "E" look like a "B". Seen that before.

Might work against the red light cameras and speed cameras, but it sux when the cop pulls you over and checks your tags verse your registration.
Or fight the real problem-too gdamn many people. The more people, the more $ needed for everything and the more freedoms is eroded. Traffic will double in 9 years at the present levels of immigration. Of topic rant-you decide. More people means more intersections, cops, problems, traffic cameras, etc .
Originally posted by ThikStik
Or fight the real problem-too gdamn many people. The more people, the more $ needed for everything and the more freedoms is eroded. Traffic will double in 9 years at the present levels of immigration. Of topic rant-you decide. More people means more intersections, cops, problems, traffic cameras, etc .
BINGO! Finally, someone who sees the big picture here. How refreshing!!
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Here's an idea. Just take your license plate off completely. Give the state the big middle finger along with every cop you see. Take a stand on an issue and tell the state to f**k off.

Don't get pushed around by those pu**ies, do what you want - when you want!

I guess these guys talk a big game about disguising their plates, playing games with stupid covers etc., but don't have the nuts to be bold and make a serious statement....panzies.