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Defroster/Heater problem


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Turbo Member
Jun 1, 2001
I have a manual climate control car and when I put the car in defrost mode with full heat, I hear the AC compressor cycle on for a few seconds then off for 10 seconds, then back on again. Does anyone know what causes this? A vacuum leak somewhere?
Usual problems would be low on freon or else a bad pressure cycling switch on the drier.

What type of freon you using?
Still has R-12, but I didn't think the AC compress. would turn on if if it is set at hot an defrost. I only think newer cars use the AC when you put the defrost on?
Mine does it too.

I believe it's normal, not only does AC cool the air it also removes the moisture from it. So hot dry air will do a much better job of defoging the windows than warm moist air.
Nope, :( qwick cycleing, as you said salvage, usually indicates a low pressuse condition.
Depends on the ambient temp. Low temp = low pressure= quick cycling. ;)

Although the car likley is a bit low on charge. Disconnect the pressure cycling switch on the accumulator for the winter if you'd like to get rid of the compressor cycle.

Ok thanks for you help guys, I will worry about the AC in the spring. I just thought something was wrong with the climate control. Never new the AC turned on for defrost in the vintage '80 GM cars. I guess I never noticed it because I didn't hear the compressor cycle on and off before.
