Did anyone ever find the right VSS for our cars? I know.....


May 13, 2002
Did a search and it seems like nobody ever found the right one. Just checking to see if I missed the post. Is there any other way to get around it? I was thinking not because I am assuming that the computer needs to know how fast the car is going or am I wrong on that?

what the heck is a vss??? i'm in meriden just got 2 tta's out of RI i'm sure we will meet this summer i already met you last spring at stafford
A VSS is a "Vehicle Speed Sensor".

I knew about the three at the parts store. Yea, that is the only one that looks like it would work. I guess I or someone else will ust have to try to see if it does work. I would have been damn sure that someone had found one that worked.:)
I have the last original one in the box - un-used.
if a used one is worth $250, mine must be worth $2500. But I would sell it for $150. Throw in another $14,850 and I will give you #70 (bonified Festival car with a pretty good history. (no joke on the car being for sale) Turbota.
for an FYI post the part number on the box of the VSS

for an FYI you should post the part number on the box of the VSS so that the Web Ring will have documentation of this rare artifact...... would you take $100.00 for the VSS shipped ?
your selling a used one for $250 + shipping but you only want to pay $100 including shipping for a new one that you obviously don't need? :rolleyes: LOL some people really kill me :confused:
Originally posted by CARTMAN
your selling a used one for $250 + shipping but you only want to pay $100 including shipping for a new one that you obviously don't need? :rolleyes: LOL some people really kill me :confused:

Good point. Looks like myself or someone will have to find one that works. I heard from someone else that there was a Caddy that had the same VSS as our cars. Has anyone else heard of this? I wish I knew so I can search the junk yards for one. I just want one but I don't think that someone should have to pay over a $100 for one. It's not a IC scoop but then again, if they aren;t made anymore or aren't easy to obtain then I guess you would have to fork out the money.:rolleyes:
dsmith4994, NO. I paid over $100 for this when I thought I needed it.If I can't sell it, I will give it to whoever buys the car, along with the other parts and documentation I have regarding these cars. Turbota.