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228 Years Young
Sep 13, 2001
This is being posted here because your contact email address is not working. Originally sent two days ago and returned this morning.

I think, feel, that if you are going to delete a post because
you dislike the contents, then the retort should also not be allowed. You cannot fairly tell one member that he cannot post a complaint then allow a response, both should be deleted. FAST isn't even listed as a sponsor of the site, which makes it appear as though you are catering to one members dislike of a post.

I understand that the adverstisers pay to keep the site up, which allows this forum to operate, doesn't like getting flamed, but, if the conversation between the member and Racetronix is false, then perhaps they, Racetronix, should have replied and set the matter straight, if it is true, then Racetronix can explain to all.

Essentially, if someone is having a problem with a company that we all deal with, then we should know.

What's this about?? You start w/ comments about FAST, and then the subject becomes Racetronix????:confused: :confused:
I didn't catch the post when FAST was slammed, but Craig's response is still there, but I did read the one about Racetronix. Either way, both posts were deleted.

Then there was a post about not slamming the advertisers and members, which was deleted.

While I agree that slamming should not be tolerated, either way, and can lead to the demise of this forum if allowed, a healthy discourse should be possible. If we are having a problem with a vender everyone should know and perhaps the vender can respond with their side and allow everyone to decide. But this didn't happen.

I have more thoughts on the matter, and the above would not have been posted here, but again, their email didn't work.
It appears to me that most people post questions, Such as Why, How come, and what you do if. These questions are typically answered by knowledgeable people. But mostly read by others, who have not yet encountered that issue.

If a member of this forum is encountering a problem with a particular product. Why would you not allow a member to explain his/her side.

I think it’s called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

I would gladly pay an optional membership fee to guarantee a fare forum.

I wonder? If GM was supporting this forum. And many Grand Nationals had a manufactured defect. Let’s say The ECU randomly changed values. Would you allow your members to post about the problems, and what GM's response was? Or would you limit the forum to “IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL"

If a company advertises or sells something to your members via this site, they should understand that if the product has a problem or someone has a problem with that product it will be talked about.

I would think that many members of this forum have joined to learn from people’s ideas and the experiences they have encountered, regarding a company’s product, and service. Whether it’s good or bad.

We are all adults and can form are own opinions.
If you have a problem with a vendor or member on this board take it up with him or her via email or phone. If your attemps fail then email or PM myself , Nick or Jack and we will try to help with your situation.

We are not going to allow anyone to just post what they want about any member or vendor here.

FAST isn't even listed as a sponsor of the site, which makes it appear as though you are catering to one members dislike of a post.

FAST members supports this site with giving more then a banner , they give us there time to help answer questions we have about the system.

if the conversation between the member and Racetronix is false, then perhaps they, Racetronix, should have replied and set the matter straight, if it is true, then Racetronix can explain to all.

Again we will not allow anyone to post there problems about any vendor or members on this board until it goes though the proper channels (stated above).

Essentially, if someone is having a problem with a company that we all deal with, then we should know.

I agree ...But theres always two sides to a story. So before anyone says there side on this board it must be done there proper way. (stated above)

What's this about?? You start w/ comments about FAST, and then the subject becomes Racetronix????

Chuck I removed two threads about FAST and one about racetronix because both parties did not follow the proper channels on posting about problems with vendors. FWIW I did send both members a PM to let them know what I did.

I have more thoughts on the matter, and the above would not have been posted here, but again, their email didn't work.

Email me Glen , I'll be more then happy to talk with you about this.

I would gladly pay an optional membership fee to guarantee a fare forum. is a fare BB .

You know 67 caprice you are passing a lot of judgement on Vendors and this site for only being registered here for only 6 months and having only 2 post.

Jesse, I tried to email as stated in my first post. I wasn't going to bring this here but when my email was sent back it left me with no other means to voice my objections. Also, when I click on your profile, then email, it states you do not accept emails and to check with the admin. So.........

My point is..... delete what you want but delete BOTH parties to the dispute and not just the complaint.
Glen I am not taking emails at this time (due to some issues I am having) ...I will again soon, But you can PM me. FWIW if anyone needs to get a hold of me , Nick or Jack at anytime (if our email or pm's are down) you can always go to the lounge and post a thread stating "ATTN MODS/ADMINS" and one of us will get ahold of you with in 24 hours (worst case 24 hours usaully with in a couple of hours).

Jesse :)

I tryed to send you (Glen) a pm and/or email and you do not accept how can we get ahold of you?
Since I don't PM that would be kinda hard. I didn't see any emails from you but if you would like to try again send it to: I will respond
My post about making about improving certain aspects of the software, was also deleted. If the fast members took offence to this, i am sorry, but these are only suggestions for refinements to the software. I am glad the software is much better than the old dfi stuff, and have always hosted fast info on my site. I don't think there is anyone on the site who would disagree on what posted, but i guess i was wrong.:confused:
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