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DIY wide-band O2 sensor controller?


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All these sites are kewl. But they never explain the advantage of running a wide-band 02. Can our performance ecm chips be able to function correctly? Does idle become noticeably smoother?
The wide band O2 meters do not replace your existing O2 sensor...unless you run a "non-stock" FAST / DFI.

The DIY WB is used like you would use an exhaust temp gauge. You use it for tuning. The stock narrow band O2 is basically a switches from rich to lean. This switching is also called the Cross Counts...ala Scanmaster / TurboLink.

The Wide Band O2 more accurately measures the actual air-fuel ratio in the exhaust stream so you can tune the car for max performance.

Originally posted by dpok69
Check this site out

Is there any benifits to running one of these? I know some people on this board have done this.

It's the best tuning aid in the world.
Add one of Bruce Roe's Displays and work that took months to get perfect can be done in a day or two.

Instead of 2 dozen passes to dial in WOT try 3-4.
Tip in hesitations, make a change and you can see exactly where you are AFR wise.

I've been running mine full time and have about 3K miles without a hiccup.
bruce, can you elaborate on what projects these pirates cost us? I'm interested to know what was in the works.

I'm also curious how you display the wb volts, more specifically, do you have some kind of recall, to make it easy on yourself?


Do you know how long the parts kits are taking? I PayPal'd Steve on 3/16. Not complaining, just curious. Trying to be patient and do the right thing.

Also, if I build a device that uses the diy-wb as a sensor, am I obligated to provide all details of my creation to the diy-wb project? Just trying to clarify what you consider an enhancement.

Same boat here. Paid Steve on 3/20, and really need a WB02 controller ASAP at this point. The AEM ECU started shipping for the Supras (which I have) and to use a wideband on this unit you need a external box. The original DIY-WB02 will work fine, but if it takes too long to get this parts kit I may have to go with the ready made OZ box.

Want to do the right thing and stay with the original. But it's been almost 30 days and not one word.
Well, I thought I was the only one waiting for the parts kit. I mailed a check on 2/27, and have yet to hear anything. I've emailed a few times w/ no response. I had convinced myself that my check had been lost somewhere, but looks like that may not be the case. I wish I could at least verify that Steve has received my check... Bruce???

Mike Jones
I think the pirates are better organized. I never heard anything on the parts kits after signing up. I don't see any reason to have to beg for service.
Bruce and I went around on this before. I think that it should be like Linux. Sell it for as much as you can get, but provide all details of your changes, etc, to the public for free. Then if someone wants to pay for the value added service they can, and those that want can build it for free. I think that there are even some purely commercial Linux addons like installion utilities that do not come with source code.

But that is not Bruce's stance and once I believed him to be "the" Bruce that wrote the original agreement, I decided to honor it. But they don't make it easy. Like notice that all we get is the "if you want to support piracy..." statement but no clarifications or other responses. And I don't mean just this thread.

The kits are slow coming.
Steve is just really under alot of pressure to get a work project done. ALOT.

As far as what it's cost, you, the ionization detonation detection has been set back years. What was planed after the detonation detection was a **TRUE** auto learn ecm. Not only that but with redundancy so that no one sensor failing could possibly destroy an engine. An hour's work resoldering some stuff in the ecm, and pop a new chip, drive till it learns what to do, disable the auto learn, and then have fun.

Of course the commercial guys have to have better service, they are selling a product. If we were selling them for a profit, someone would be doing it full time, and the stuff would be faster coming. Trouble is this was a ********GIFT*********, which everyone tends to forget, there was years of work in this. Just in case you missed it, it was a **********gift*********.

The initial idea was to to do a no profit *list* project.
True to our word a few of us did that. It took years.

The Users agreement wasn't my idea. It was NECESSARY to get the EEs to devote the 100's of hours work they did in figuring out how to get this done in a way JOE AVERAGE could do. It would have taken less time to do a PIC version, but then that would knock out 90% of the guys buildiing them. When's the last time ony of the grippers spent a couple 100 hours on give away community project?.

If it wasn't for those like Steve that give of their free time freely, you wouldn't even have an affordable WB. Remember the OZ board is just a pirated copy of the US Work.

If you think these projects are no big deal, a year ago I asked for help on doing a ROMless 148. Well, I have my car running on it, and the complete source code, for that. Even now have an editor for it. This was a big part in having enough avaiable room for the code for the auto learn. Will it be public domained?. I don't know, after seeing how folks acted on the WB, I really don't know. Scarey that a few vocal thiefs can ruin so much for others.

You guys ought to be taking a stand against piracy, and not in any way tolerating it. Oh well,
Like Steve said, I don't think you should have to beg for service either. I'd like a WB02 also, and I've contacted DIY-EFI with no response in 4 months, but every thread that deviates from DIY-EFI being the sole supplier gets lambasted and frankly, it's tiring to hear this again and again. Are patents or copyrights no longer being issued? Maybe I should just buy a Commodore and a pet kangaroo and jump ship altogether; I've probably thrown away any possibility of future tech help by stating MY thoughts except maybe from Steve and others whom I hold in high regard ( yes, there are many very intelligent people among our ranks IMO). :)
Originally posted by Steve Wood
I think the pirates are better organized. I never heard anything on the parts kits after signing up. I don't see any reason to have to beg for service.

just in case you missed it they are a commercial outfit, and making a profit for what they do.

The DIY-WB is a GIFT.

Think about it.
Originally posted by tminer
Bruce and I went around on this before. I think that it should be like Linux. Sell it for as much as you can get, but provide all details of your changes, etc, to the public for free. Then if someone wants to pay for the value added service they can, and those that want can build it for free. I think that there are even some purely commercial Linux addons like installion utilities that do not come with source code.
But that is not Bruce's stance and once I believed him to be "the" Bruce that wrote the original agreement, I decided to honor it. But they don't make it easy. Like notice that all we get is the "if you want to support piracy..." statement but no clarifications or other responses. And I don't mean just this thread.

Gads, make a gift out of something, and people still complain.

If you read the users agreement you'll understand what the rules are, if they are broken, and someone is making a buck off of others work that is piracy. How clear, or what part of that don't you get?.

I've bought the boards, and parts kits, thru the exact same channels as you guys. With the exception of the first 3 boards, since we had to get a min order of 25.

Matter of fact I'd bet I waited close to 3 months for SteveC to get going on selling the kits.

I'm gratefull it even came to be.
Too bad so few feel that way.
Originally posted by AnArKey
Same boat here. Paid Steve on 3/20, and really need a WB02 controller ASAP at this point. The AEM ECU started shipping for the Supras (which I have) and to use a wideband on this unit you need a external box. The original DIY-WB02 will work fine, but if it takes too long to get this parts kit I may have to go with the ready made OZ box.

Want to do the right thing and stay with the original. But it's been almost 30 days and not one word.

So where were you in Jul of last year?.
It's been around for a long time,
Ya, too bad doing the right thing is soooo inconvient.

Like I said before, it's a gift.

Ya, maybe we all ought to buy foreign cars, and spend all we can overseas, maybe we can bankrupt our own country. You mentioned the foriegn stuff not me.
Originally posted by John Larkin
Like Steve said, I don't think you should have to beg for service either. I'd like a WB02 also, and I've contacted DIY-EFI with no response in 4 months, but every thread that deviates from DIY-EFI being the sole supplier gets lambasted and frankly, it's tiring to hear this again and again. Are patents or copyrights no longer being issued? Maybe I should just buy a Commodore and a pet kangaroo and jump ship altogether; I've probably thrown away any possibility of future tech help by stating MY thoughts except maybe from Steve and others whom I hold in high regard ( yes, there are many very intelligent people among our ranks IMO). :)

Have you read what's going on?.
Steve C posted several times, that he's doing the part kits, and not answering mail about them. For the time he'd spend writting to everyone that writes him he wouldn't get any kits shipped.

Yes, the OZ folks are quicker cause it's their job, and the US is a tad larger country to supply with kits. If more people helped it would be or have gone faster, but the original deal was NON PROFIT. Just to some folks their word means something, and I guess it's just a limited few anymore.

Yep, lots of smart people here, and lots have left over the for-profit garbage. And lots are wayyyy to busy to help work on anything that isn't going to get them a money return on what they do.
I tried to wade thru the archives to figure out what the original argument was about. Either I am dimwitted, or am simply too late to the game to understand the context.

I see the parts list on the DIY list adds up to $24.50 and the Parts kit on the Oz list is approximately $23.00.

I don't recall the price on the DIY list and cannot find a mention of it at the moment but I thought it was around $7.00 if you could get one. The Oz board is approximately $10.00/ Not having any idea what it costs to have a board made in Australia, I have to assume that at the kit level, the cost is about the same and therefore there is no profit being made.

As this debate goes back to last fall, I assume the real argument has nothing to do with profit. So does the U.S. DIY group claim sole right to distribute parts or is it over a contention that the Oz group has advanced the art but did not deliver the technology changes to the U.S. group at no cost?

I have noted that some have posted that Oz is charging a price for its time whereas it was given freely by members of the U.S. group. I have not noted this in the Oz pricing for kits.

I may be wrong, but I understand that the sale of completed boards and displays is a relatively new development which started about a month or month and a half ago. As the guy is charging a substantially higher price for completed and tested units, I think it is apparent that he is collecting for his time. I suspect that he is basically filling the need of those that cannot assemble a kit or gave up upon getting anything locally.

I would really like to know what the real debate is over....I cannot separate fact from hyperbole in the archives.

With regard to communication, Steve may be very busy but I am sure someone could follow the lead of Bryan Zubin and post a list of those that ordered and those that paid. It made it very easy to know what was going on along with a line group email saying, I am still here and we are progressing.

You made a lot of hoopla last fall over the wb O2, but the group was not prepared to handle the volume. I am sure it is a noble cause but I would really like to know what really happened to make the guys down there into bad guys last fall. I can see the contention now that they have responded to the market and are delivering built units. It's almost like they said, "Screw it, let's build them and sell them as we are being condemned anyway."

With regard to the many statements that we, the users, are not going to get all this good stuff that we would have been given for nothing because of those meanies down under, it kinda sounds like giving candy to a kid and then saying, "I won't be giving you anymore because someone is now selling candy...."

It seems to be more an ego clash than pure principle but as I clearly don't understand the whole deal from the beginning, I am probably way off base. :)
Originally posted by Steve Wood

It seems to be more an ego clash than pure principle but as I clearly don't understand the whole deal from the beginning, I am probably way off base. :)

Yes, you are off base.
The problem is someone breaking an agreement.
There is a users agreement, the terms are real easy to grasp. Is it worth hiring a lawyer over a non-profit agreement, no. I will however speak loud and clear on what I consider piracy.

If you want to get up to speed on the issues, then I would suggest you read the DIY-EFI archives in whole starting in 97. Then you could comment in a well informed way.

The OZ board just reorganizes things tighter, and makes it's assembly more difficult for the beginner.

I made the offer at one time (has since expired) to assemble boards for those that couldn't, free.

If you read a little more, you'll find Steve's kits are cheaper then the prices you quote.