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Does anyone have the guy's number that sells the( CD ) gn service manual on this sight?


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He's a member on the board but I don't remember his name. Have you tried a search for manual on cd? That should bring one of his threads uo and then you can contact him.;)
Jeremy is MIA. I've tried contacting him. Anyone else have this available as an ISO? Or have the PDF on hand?

Sharing is caring :)
Jeremy is MIA. I've tried contacting him. Anyone else have this available as an ISO? Or have the PDF on hand?

Sharing is caring :)

I was hoping to get my hands on it too.

87 GN
Sent from HTC Sensation
I have it, but I'm facing a dilemma with this. I could make copies to help you guys out but I'm not sure if Jeremy would appreciate if I'd do them without asking his permission first. On the other hand, he seems to have disappeared from this board...I dunno what to do...:(

Claude. :confused:
Claude, thanks for your concern. It's nice to know there are still some people out there with some scruples.

I took the order link down a few months ago because I had a plan I wanted to put into action. But I didn't want to piss off anyone.

I want to thank everyone that donated to help me out with the car. For those of you that don't know, this all started with me just wanting the manual on a CD for myself. A few friends said they would like to have it too. Three days after bringing my new son home from the hospital, I finished the front suspension replacement on the car. I took the car to the shop for alignment that day. On the way home there was a freak thunderstorm with an incredible downpour. I was cut off on the Interstate by a late 90's blue ford festiva. I swerved to avoid him and the rear of the car hydroplaned. It spun into a concrete wall at speed and pretty much trashed the car. I was ok and the drivetrain survived. The proceeds from the CD have helped me rebuild the car to what is was before.

So again, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!

Now it's time to live by my credo. No not, "Yes I'll have another," but information should be free. So here it is.

If you donated to receive your copy thank you again. Please don't feel spited by this. You helped me get back something that took me a long time to build the first time around.

I'm going to post this as a new topic here within the next half hour or so. So jump on it now! And please, consider seeding for a while to help everyone else out too!
Wow Jeremy! As a father that story really moves me. You and your family are really lucky for you making it out okay.

I have it, but I'm facing a dilemma with this. I could make copies to help you guys out but I'm not sure if Jeremy would appreciate if I'd do them without asking his permission first. On the other hand, he seems to have disappeared from this board...I dunno what to do...:(

Claude. :confused:

Being a part of forums in the past I know that sometimes members go MIA. I do like seeing the thought you put into this and it is very honorable.

Jeremy, is there any way you can have a Paypal account set up so that people can still donate to you? I highly recommend you have that in your sticky as an option people have to donate if they appreciate your hard work, your effort, and major contribution to the Buick community as a whole. I'd love to donate.
I appreciate the offer MAK507, but I think it will do it good to be free. The donation piece helped me to obtain a goal and I've reached that.