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Dork with a mustang


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Active Member
Jun 2, 2002
Why are mustang owners such dorks?

I see this Black GT convertible (not current style but 1 gen back) driving up from behind me as I was heading to the local hardware store in the next town. The road is 4 lanes. with some spread out stoplights that give you enough distance for some street action.

Well the dork comes by me about 60 mph (me in slower lane in my Limited going the 40mph speed limit). He has the stero blasting & is singing to himself looking at my Grampy car.

I have 2 sons with me. The older one 16 & little one 5. I pick up the pace to hopefully get him at one of the stoplights. My wish came true on the second light right in front of the BUDWIESER plant. The light went red making mr dork stop & i roll up to stop next to him.
Perfect DAY sunny,dry,straight location with no cars ahead in sight.

Light turns green & I hear Mr Dork REV his motor like he is JOE COOL. That is all I needed to hear. I let him roll past 1/2 car & wham I just pressed into the throttle. My tires started to spin & car get a little squrmy so I let up to allow them to catch & just wizz by Joe Cool who had the STUNNED look on his face (PRICELESS). I hear the 5 year old yell TURBO POWER Daddy (also PRICELESS).
At 1/3 mile I had Mr Joe dork so bad that i slowed down to normal speed & noticed him stay back :) like he got stung by a bee. :wink:
You're braver than me, I don't do much when I have my 4 year old with me. Although like your son he does love it when I do get into it but only enough to pass people etc but never full throttle.
SVORay said:
You're braver than me, I don't do much when I have my 4 year old with me. Although like your son he does love it when I do get into it but only enough to pass people etc but never full throttle.

Yeah that was my thought too having a 5 year old with me.. He enjoyed it more than my 16 year old. I know my 16 year old if he was driving would have gone balls to the walls. Thank goodness he is not on my insurance to drive my car.

It may have even been 1/3 mile that I started to shut down. ;)
That is the single thing that gets me, I always seem to have my son with me when I finnaly pull up to something like you did :mad: It never happens to me when I'm all alone. Anyways, It's a good kill.
haha, no kids!! i can race whenever i please!!! believe me, i'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.
littlesixsteve said:
Why are mustang owners such dorks?
It's because they own rustangs...oops mustangs, and think they're all that and a box of chocolates. Seems to be a personality, I guess.

In their defense, not all of them are.
I have a couple of friends that have them.
One also has a TR. They're Ok.
you know what i always wonder why mustang people are such dorks myself. I was driving one day and had a new one get all on my ass and act like he was tough but i kept driving and went got into the left turn lane then he steps on it and blows by me when im at a complete stop behind a few cars. And i think what is wrong with him?