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Drugs are Great !!


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Senior Member
May 24, 2001
So I had this major operation last week. At one point I'm laying there and an extremely old nurse came into the room. I asked her if my test results were back. She lifted my hospital gown, looked at Lil Chris and the Boys and said no. I demanded to know what the hell she was doing.

She replied, "Well you asked if your testicles were black."

The good doctor gave me some drugs for pain....called Hydrocodone. After the first one I now know why people get hooked on prescription drugs. These things are Hopefully I'm in massive pain for a loooooong time.

Oh, and the major operation. I had an ingrown toe nail removed.
Originally posted by ChrisCairns

Oh, and the major operation. I had an ingrown toe nail removed.
Yeah,you keep telling us that,,little ol ingrown,,what a wuss:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ChrisCairns
So I had this major operation last week. At one point I'm laying there and an extremely old nurse came into the room. I asked her if my test results were back. She lifted my hospital gown, looked at Lil Chris and the Boys and said no. I demanded to know what the hell she was doing.

She replied, "Well you asked if your testicles were black."

The good doctor gave me some drugs for pain....called Hydrocodone. After the first one I now know why people get hooked on prescription drugs. These things are Hopefully I'm in massive pain for a loooooong time.

Oh, and the major operation. I had an ingrown toe nail removed.

You had me wondering there.I thought may this had to do with sheep or something?:confused:
Hydrocodone---Lortab for the uneducated! (or Oxycontin for the turbocharged version!)

I can tell you on behalf of my wife--you DON'T want to be in enough pain to be on that crap for a looooonnngg time! She's been taking Oxycontin, Prozac & Vioxx daily for over 3 years, and has recently added Topamax...all this because of the pain & stress of chronic daily headaches!

(can you say "not tonight, dear... ;) --oh, and no prescription insurance either):eek:

Seriously, I wouldn't wish the pain she endures on ANYONE. If I was to take ONE DOSE of her daily pills, I'd be a zombie for 3 days! All it does for her is dull the pain enough for her to function reasonably...sometimes. :( I honestly don't know how she does it...

And from now on, ask for "the results of your tests"....:D
Re: Re: Drugs are Great !!

Originally posted by The Radius Kid
You had me wondering there.I thought may this had to do with sheep or something?:confused:

Likely close there RK. I heard he kicked a stump while chasing a new "conquest" thru the pasture, and actually it was a fractured toe...:D :D :D :p
So you're saying he's into stump abuse?
I guess he'd need the painkillers.
Those stumps aren't too cooperative.:)
Glad to hear you pulled thru OK, and hope your recovery is swift.

So...were they black??

i hord (whored) that stuff, i take tylenol at the hospital and save the hard stuff for wheni am not in pain..............

wait should i have admitted that......................................

ingrown toe nail removed
My brother-in-law had surgury on one. He said it was as painful as when he broke his leg playing hockey. Guess it depends on how much slicing and dicing they have to do.
Im taking some of that stuff.
Probably a low dose of it though, cuz it hasnt done much to me except make me dizzy.
Im taking it for my wisdom tooth, came in crooked and split the tooth in front of it in half! Dentist is booked, so he gave me this to hold me over until he can get me in.

...and my prescription plan almost makes going to work worthwhile! :D
i was in the hospital all last week. tore my left pinky nearly off:eek:

i was in so much pain they gave me a morphine pump with a button to self administer the drugs myself. i hurt my knee exactly 10 years to the day i hurt my finger and had the pump then too.
i used 75mg of morphine in 6 hours. that is a lot of it. the vial was huge. i am on vicodine es ( 7.5 mg hydrocodone) 2 tabs every 4 hours right now to keep me from wanting to cut my hand off. alomst 5 hours of micro surgury to reattach the pinky.

my pinky is part black where some of it has died. i was really freaked out as they inserted a folley cathiter sp? in me and the bag was full of blood and not much not urine. i have had bloody urine ever since getting out. watch out for hackers messing with your whacker, sorry i am on pain meds .

hope your feeling better than i am

Morphine baby!:D Feel the wave. They shot me up with some when I had the kidney stones and some other thing that started with a "T". Pretty whacked out the whole weekend.