I just remembered we have those rubber sections in the hard lines near the engine. Are these sections being left alone when people say they are still running stock lines, or does that 20yr old rubber need replacing too?
I have some questions for those of you who don't have gunk. I am trying to figure out what is going on. If any one wants to pm me with there set up it would be helpfull. Once we know what it is we can avoid it. Thank you!
I have SS lines from Summit that are similar to the ones in the link above and I don't have the black gunk after almost 2 years. I got the aluminum gunk but not the hose gunk. :frown:
I'm using totally stock lines / hoses. The tank is also original with 165k miles on it.
The fuel filter has been in the car since spring. I need to pull it out and have a look at it. But with the way the car has been running I have no reason to suspect any plugging. Drove the car as often as I could and went through maybe 12 or 14 tanks of E85 this summer.