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Eagle crank


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Originally posted by lazaris
Billet crank runs about $2400 + balance. 4340 steel billet rods run $941
for the set. Delivery is about 10-12 weeks. 50% deposit required.
Thanks for your interest in Crower,

Crower Cams & Equipment Co., Inc.
3333 Main Street
Chula Vista, CA 91911-5899 USA
Phone: 619-422-1191
Fax: 619-422-9067

They are so cheap I will take three of each..... make that five :D :D
If the cranks where that crappy the folks would have not been in business this long.

I guess if you give somefolks a hundred dollar bill they would complain that is not crisp enough !

Yuc...Yuc...Yuc :rolleyes:
I used to import items from China to sell on ebay. Here are a couple of things I noticed. 1) The tarriffs are not expensive. 2) The cost of production out there is so cheap that I would routinely market items with a 300% markup. 3) Shipping to get the stuff here actually costs more than the items themselves.

Just a little food for thought.

Ever notice all the steelmills in the US are gone? China is basically the Steel industry of the world. 1.3 billion people makes for cheap labor.

My dad's Stainless steel mill just shut the doors because our country allows China to dump it's steel here for next to nothing. They couldn't compete....
Originally posted by ESP Products
The point is not China's quality, although it is questionable, but the fact that U.S. of A. jobs are lost in the deal. You have lower prices to start, BUT you lose many manufacturing and other jobs along the way. We, the USA, used to be the #1 in the world. But "Free Trade Agreements" designed to help our economy have shown time and time again that they have killed it. Pay attention to the details; look at the consequences; see the big picture. What happened to Europe "EU" in currently happening to us. Don't believe it? Look up FTAA on the net (Free Trade Area of the Americas). They just had a summit meeting in Miami of 34 nation; ... 34 other Nations deciding our future. Go United Nations (sarcasm).
I could get very long winded and technical and boring because I feel strongly about this subject. For more information you can go to This is an excellent publication. Last issue (bi-weekly) was titled "Engineered Extinction". They are hard on Wal-mart, and others, and you will see why.

Hope this helps,
John @ ESP
"Made in USA"

America has gotten so darn money hungry that it charges too much for material, time, and finish. I get some parts from Taiwan. I took those parts to atleast 5 manufacturors in the states. They all told me the same thing. They can not even get the materials for the cost of the part that I got from Taiwan. Shipping included. That is totally because we have gotten so $$ hungry. It is darn near impossible for manufacturors to get anything done in the states anymore because it is just too cheap to get it made over seas.

Sad but true.:(
Hey Tony, did you ever get your car back out to the track after the dyno? I had to get a new cell phone and the wizard doing the swap lost all my 2 way numbers, so I couldn't hit you on the nextel. Just wondering how it did? Have a good holiday man, see ya later!
You also have to take into account that kids these days do not want to get into a skilled trade. And even then the companies within these industries are doing everything they can to get rid of that skill.

I work in the power industry. Part of my job is to splice lead covered cable(PILC). The majority of companies are starting to use cold shrink splicing kits(preassembled) as well as heat shrinks(made in belgium). Yes it's ten times easier, however you take the skill away from the posistion and you have more leverage to not make a decent contract offer based upon the amount of skill it takes to perform such a job.

Union jobs and wages are deteriorating all across the nation. Why because with the jobs getting easier you can higher people willing to accept a job at the fraction of the cost we get paid to do it now. It's no wonder that union companies shut their doors and reopen 3 months later under a new name(non union) and pay the employees crap.

As someone else said the same piece of metal could be drastically different in it's molecular makeup depending where it comes from. Same as oil, the US extracts a lot of oil from this part of the world, but being that it is rich in Sulfer and other non useful contaminents it's sold to Japan where they can eat up the more expensive cost of refining it.

It's not gonna change until the next big war. You can count on there being another(ever heard of the Franco-German empire). Well they are pretty much partners now in trying to control the economic policy within the EU. Why do you think they want this? Everyone knows that you cannot beat America on your own, but if we team up it could happen. Be nice to Canada they may be the only ones willing to help us when the chips are down.
I.B.E.W local 21, is good to hear somone else that works on lead cable. its becoming a lost art to lead sleeve the cables a monkey can shrink wrap it. good to hear from other brothers on the board.
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