Ive got a bunch of stock engine stuff taking up space.
stock turbo cranks. 450 each
Stock flexplates 100 each
Stock balancers 75 each
Stock 2 dot rods 150/set. Some of the sets have arp bolts already.
Stock valve Covers 125/set
Stock turbo selling as a core. 200$
Stock exhaust manifolds 125/set
Used Diamond .040 pistons. 1 missing. 250$
All parts are plus the ride. Shipping on the last crank i shipped was around 80$ for reference(.from ne to ga). I do have paypal. Add 3% for g&s or send ff
stock turbo cranks. 450 each
Stock flexplates 100 each
Stock balancers 75 each
Stock 2 dot rods 150/set. Some of the sets have arp bolts already.
Stock valve Covers 125/set
Stock turbo selling as a core. 200$
Stock exhaust manifolds 125/set
Used Diamond .040 pistons. 1 missing. 250$
All parts are plus the ride. Shipping on the last crank i shipped was around 80$ for reference(.from ne to ga). I do have paypal. Add 3% for g&s or send ff
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