Eastern Performance Chrome Parts


Nov 21, 2002
I purchased a chrome throttle cable bracket and cruise control bracket from Eatern Perfomance. This was the worst chrome parts I have ever seen. Areas of brackets did not have any chrome and several areas looked gold instead of silver. I sent them back today for a refund. I just wanted to post this because I couldn't believe anyone would ship out pieces of crap like that to a customer.
I went back and double checked my receipt and it was SOUTH East Turbo that I bought those parts from. :mad:
HAHAAHAHA you should have read my thread before going there!!! Another happy customer NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
I bought one of those chrome A/C covers a few months back from southeast. The piece of crap does not fit. They won't take it back because I scratched it up a bit trying to make it work. So now it sits on top of my tool box.