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EVO...with a past competitor driving


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gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
I'm finally home from Brazil.
Two weeks drinking Brazilian coffee with no outlet has me bouncing off the walls.

So I was cruising home from work yesterday...

As I sat at an intersection, I saw a newer Evo pull up in the left turn lane from the opposite direction across the intersection. The driver was pointing at me and talking to his passenger.

He got to the light too late to trip his turn signal, so I got my green, As I got across the intersection, I floored it and busted the tires loose while smiling at him and waving.
I told you....I'm pent up....

Then I watched in my side view as this nut runs his red (no other cars were coming through the intersection) and flips a U to come after me. I'm gotta be kidding....

He caught me at the next light and was laughing.

Me: I knew that'd get your attention, but did you blow that light just for me?
Him and his buddy passenger: laughing.
Him: You remember me....way back...04 Cobra...I beat you? It's my girlfriends car.
Me: Must have been a long time ago. How long?
Him: Early last year!
Me: Wow....that was a long time ago. (I remember him now)
Him...(obviosuly over confident and not knowing that back when he beat me, my old engine was on it's last leg, and I had a stock everything at the time...probaly barely capable of a 14): You wanna go from a roll?
Me: If that's how you prefer to lose...sure.
All of us: laughing
Him: OK...I'll honk 3 times then we go.
Me: OK...Honk it off whenever you're ready
Him: That's Bad @$$! I knew I should have driven the Cobra!

Light turned green and we slowly accelerate up to about 30 before he honks the first time. I had left it in drive figuring I'd rather give him a little hope at first and then blow around him.

Third honk we both nailed it and he got out to thepoint that my front bumper was even with his rear bumper while I kicked down and built boost. Then I just walked on by.

He caught back up as we slowed down, and was laughing and yelling.
I was still thinking about his last comment....."That's Bad @$$! I knew I should have driven the Cobra!"

I waived with a toothy grin and thought.... "Go get it!"

I'll probably see him again....and his girlfriends Cobra will feel my revenge...
I think you are now one of America's top automotive serial killers.

Dude, you get more action than... well, I digress... ;)

Awesome kill as usual.
The chicken jacked up on caffeine is all business and on the roost! Or boost.... ;)
Good Job!!! Don't know how you get all that action??? My last kill was soooo lame I won't bother to mention it!!!!
Good Job!!! Don't know how you get all that action??? My last kill was soooo lame I won't bother to mention it!!!!

I just drive a lot, and there are a lot of vicitms to choose from in my area.
Seems like everyone wants a piece of the GN...till they get it...
My GN is very stock appearing so that probablt gives them a false sense of hope.:biggrin:

Yesterday and Today I've been driving my 68 Camaro (see pic) and no one will even bother trying. They ask a lot of questions, but then act veeeeery tame. The look and sound it produces as just way to intimidating I guess.:cool:


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Good Job!!! Don't know how you get all that action??? My last kill was soooo lame I won't bother to mention it!!!!

X2! It seems everyone around here is either too scared to race my GN, or maybe they don't know what it is? I even make a point to cruise through or drive past the local hang outs where all "the kids" sit.. they all look, sometimes even point at my car.. but none of them will ever chase after me..:confused: But then I get in my H/C/I WS6 and I have people falling out of the sky it seems, wanting to race me..:confused: I guess they would rather lose to a 11 sec all motor car than lose (or possibly win) to a stock 14 sec (for now) V6 turbo car.. And I'm even talking about kids with EVO's, STi's, Mustangs, F-body's, etc.. I don't get it.
You guys need to move out of Ohio.:D
Come to So Cali.
The weather is nicer and I can;t seem to make it more than 20 miles in the GN before someone new is trying to flex on me.:D
X2! It seems everyone around here is either too scared to race my GN, or maybe they don't know what it is? I even make a point to cruise through or drive past the local hang outs where all "the kids" sit.. they all look, sometimes even point at my car.. but none of them will ever chase after me..:confused: But then I get in my H/C/I WS6 and I have people falling out of the sky it seems, wanting to race me..:confused: I guess they would rather lose to a 11 sec all motor car than lose (or possibly win) to a stock 14 sec (for now) V6 turbo car.. And I'm even talking about kids with EVO's, STi's, Mustangs, F-body's, etc.. I don't get it.

Evertime I run across something respectale they back off :confused: I slow down move to the left lane and they still won't pass :mad: There always has been alot of Gn's through the years around here and with Red Armstrong living in the area people have always had a means to get go fast parts, so people generally know. The ones who mess with me are the people with slow cars who intaginize me so they can see me rag on the car.

Hell last summer there was a young kid in a good sounding Cobra thought for sure it was on :D He looked over smiled and shook his head NOOOOOOO :(
Evertime I run across something respectale they back off :confused: I slow down move to the left lane and they still won't pass :mad: There always has been alot of Gn's through the years around here and with Red Armstrong living in the area people have always had a means to get go fast parts, so people generally know. The ones who mess with me are the people with slow cars who intaginize me so they can see me rag on the car.

Hell last summer there was a young kid in a good sounding Cobra thought for sure it was on :D He looked over smiled and shook his head NOOOOOOO :(

Maybe if you remove that engine hoist from the front of your car, you'll get more interest...?
Nice kill, especially playing at the Evo's strength, the roll.

You still racing on street radials?
The ones who mess with me are the people with slow cars who intaginize me so they can see me rag on the car.

That's what I mostly get too. Last summer there was a couple of guys in a sh1tbox station wagon in front of me on a highway on ramp driving real slow, as Tony said just to antagonize me. Once we reached the end of the ramp I steered around them and let it rip, and saw them grinning ear to ear and giving thumbs ups in my rearview mirror.

About the only fun I've had this year was fooling around with another Buick buddy of mine a little bit on the street today after a car show, and there was also a time when a high school friend of mine (who is now a cop) pulled up along side of me on the highway in his cruiser and to my surprise gave me a countdown. I did nothing at first because I couldn't believe what I was seeing but when he started pulling ahead hard I didn't let him finish. Once it was clear that I was going to pull ahead of him I let off and he just gave me a nod of approval and waved.
So Chicken what is the offical kill tally up to? How many have u lost?
I've won a bunch (lost count) and lost only a couple on the new combo.

I lost to a Z06 and got edged by my buddies Saleen blown 05 stang from a 45mph roll....I posted the stories in here some where.

Got a new kill tonight.