Actually there was NEVER a single thing mentioned about this event before prior to it, It seems to me like it was kept on the hush hush until it was over. And let me correct you, It was called "The southern Buick Shoot out" LIKE IT ALWAYS HAS!! NOT the Hartline nationals !!!

You had 8 TR's racing at your " Excessive acceleration winter-nationals" and there was 70 Buick's racing in Reynolds!! BIG turn out this year ( Actually Doubled the racers from last year!) and I will be willing to say 2010 will be even better!! :biggrin:
This Mickey Mouse bickering is childish and getting ridiculous, I can assure you if this kind of stuff continues I will think about pulling back sponsoring certain events and I'm sure others will as well..
This kind of stuff isn't cool anyway you look at it..
Scot W.