Mine are in the top holes in the buckets and I verified the hole position and geometry before I started making your arms. On my car the front of the LCA’s are maybe 1” higher than the rear bolts and the IC is around 43”-46” which is where I wanted the length on mine.
I set the control arm length the same as the instructions which I believe is 9.375” center-center but I didn’t check pinion angle to see where it ended up b/c I am too lazy. I’ve had it over 100mph with no vibration so I’ll leave it as-is.
I set the control arm length the same as the instructions which I believe is 9.375” center-center but I didn’t check pinion angle to see where it ended up b/c I am too lazy. I’ve had it over 100mph with no vibration so I’ll leave it as-is.