Fast With Class ?

I always thought the Fast with Class was referring to running 11's in a AC'd daily driver.
The bunch I hang with in BG are fast, but class?......;)

Originally posted by bruce
Is it just me, or does *Fast With Class* just not mean anything anymore?.

I've been seeing some posts that are well beyond what I'd call being rude, and some mods are of the opinion that just because the issue may be political, that they should tolerate postings that are in fact, rude, name calling, and slanderous.

I thought some measure of being a man was being able to think before replying, and not do anything he would regret later.

I'm all for Freedom of Speech, and but I see, that in exercising that, one should accept the responsibilities in doing so. If someone can't grasp the rules of the Board/List enough to be responsible in what they say, why should they be given the PRIVILEDGE of being able to post?.

If the list has abandoned the motto *Fast With Class*, can I have a copy of the memo?.

While some other lists endorse childish behavior, I'd always thought of this one as being where the responsible posters were.

So is Board still about *Fast With Class* as seen by the members, or not??.

If the majority say no, fine, by me, if yes it does still matter, then I think we need to remind those in charge, that to us it still does matter.
Bruce don't let it get to you! You know how them Republicans are. They accused me of "... being a Democrat you probably don't even own a Turbo Buick..." That's the mentality of the politics around here. After that resposne of total wizardry I was elated when they assigned a Political only forum. It got to point that every other post on the lounge was pertaining to politics. If you don,t like it over there stay away works for me.
Originally posted by 1 rare t
I think what Bruce is saying is true. Not that most of those posting really care.;)

Although I have'nt hung around here too long, it's easy to see the pattern developing as of late.

Used to be you came here for useful information on all kinds of things and a laugh or two.

Now seems like every day it's some kind of new controversy or battle between members. Who's screwing who, ect....

Too bad really.:(

OK, having read this thread many times, I must challange you on your statements.

There is more USEFUL exchange of information on this board than any other Buick board.

"Every day a new controversy or battle between members"? The PV forum was set up to direct contraversy and debate there. Feedback forum was established to air problems to help protect members.

In contrast to your view, I see many members jump in when a thread or post is off-topic or out of line. I like to see this "pattern" develop even further.

We do not have a "fast with class" policy as such. but we do publically acknowledge this is a PG rated board and personal attacks and name-calling are not allowed. The members are taking care of the "class" part!
Yes, it is STILL about "Fast with Class" for most

Bruce, I haven't posted a lot on here lately due to my schedule and it being the summer time but I know what you mean about some of the posts (and posters) we've seen at times.

But you know what? We ALL have to agree to the rules to be a member of this board. If some a$$clown thinks his "Freedom of Speech" supercedes his responsibility as a member of this board and his obligations as a human being to be respectful and decent, he is wrong.

And, if the owner/mods let those types of people ruin this board, then my friend we have the inmates running the assylum. You guys have the power, not us.

Suggestions? If someone is out of line, either ignore, warn them, and if that does't do it, then boot 'em - it's that simple. You have the power. And if they're WAY over the line, ban 'em for life.

This board is only what we make of it and what the owner and moderators allow it to be; nothing more, nothing less. I ignore the idiots and read and/or respond to threads that have any matter to me. Sometimes, it's fun to debate - yes. But we still need to remember one thing.

It's far better to be perceived as a fool (or a total a$$wipe) than to open you mouth (or type a response) and remove all doubt.

Ignore or boot the idiots/trolls/trouble-makers. They are the ones we don't need and they don't contribute anyhow.

Either we have control within our community or we have annarchy - which is it? Yes, there's been a LOT of crap on here lately. If you guys allow this to continue and grow, you've only got yourselves to blame.

I vote for control.
Originally posted by 1 rare t
I think what Bruce is saying is true. Not that most of those posting really care.;)

Although I have'nt hung around here too long, it's easy to see the pattern developing as of late.

Used to be you came here for useful information on all kinds of things and a laugh or two.

Now seems like every day it's some kind of new controversy or battle between members. Who's screwing who, ect....

Too bad really.:(
Just wait till Feb. and watch!!! Think people are bored now.:D :eek:
Originally posted by Nick Micale
PG rated board and personal attacks and name-calling are not allowed.

Can I start repling to you as others reply on the PV board do?.
Just using the same terms, and inferences?
Would that get your attention?.

Do you like having that garbage being on public record as stuff you allow?.

And why are some rules only selectively inforced?.
There was specific mention that any reference to religion was to be posted or reposted to the PV board, yet when I included *In God We Trust* in my sign, the postings weren't moved to the PV board.

Yep, getting nit picky with ya, sorry, but you're the one forcing it.
Re: Re: Fast With Class ?

Originally posted by Randy Greenoe
If you don,t like it over there stay away works for me.

I like debate, and discussion.

Why should I have to stay away from a board, I like because the mods are failing to do their jobs?.

It's as much my board as it is their's?.

Everyone's intitled to their opinion, it's just the the breaking of the List's rules, that's an issue.

I thought the phrase of *Fast With Class* was to set a min level of acceptible conduct, and the rules were just to be sure folks knew what acceptible was, but I may be wrong.
Re: Yes, it is STILL about "Fast with Class" for most

Originally posted by Raven

This board is only what we make of it and what the owner and moderators allow it to be; nothing more, nothing less.

It's far better to be perceived as a fool (or a total a$$wipe) than to open you mouth (or type a response) and remove all doubt.

Either we have control within our community or we have annarchy - which is it? Yes, there's been a LOT of crap on here lately. If you guys allow this to continue and grow, you've only got yourselves to blame.

I vote for control.


I quit worring about how others percive me years ago. If one wants to worry about what anyone might think of them, for whatever they say, then they better be good at staying quiet, or
just letting their guts eat them out from the inside.

Anarchy seems to be on the raise. Partly due to so many not wanting to take a public stand on what matters to them.

As I cited to some of the powers to be, look at DIY-EFI, GMECM, and EFI-TUNING.ORG for what happens when anarchy takes over.
While some of the contributors are still there, the lists themselves are just hollow shells of what they once were, not to mention what they could have been.

From the looks of what already is going on here, the die maybe already cast.
Re: Re: Re: Fast With Class ?

Originally posted by bruce
I like debate, and discussion.

Why should I have to stay away from a board, I like because the mods are failing to do their jobs?.

It's as much my board as it is their's?.

Everyone's intitled to their opinion, it's just the the breaking of the List's rules, that's an issue.

I thought the phrase of *Fast With Class* was to set a min level of acceptible conduct, and the rules were just to be sure folks knew what acceptible was, but I may be wrong.
You keep stating the rules not being followed . Here is a little quote from you in response to "Foolis" "Why should I follow the rules,when responding to you!" You make statement like that and then come over here and start a thread about no class and board members not following the rules?
Originally posted by bruce
Is it just me, or does *Fast With Class* just not mean anything anymore?.

It's like any other motto in life Bruce. You walk it or talk it. That's the United States today... everyone likes to brag a motto but few have what it takes to live it.

Personally? I think it's a joke. If you are a class person you don't need a motto. Your actions define what you are.

Just do the right thing :)