

New Member
Feb 23, 2002
what is some of the advantages and disadvantages compared to stock ecm. how munch of hp gain . who sells them
I did a rebuild last year and couldn't get the chip/ECM to run well on my combo. Kept popping at WOT. Jack Cotton said I needed a FAST, but I didn't want to spend the money so I kept trying to get it to run well with chips. Jack made me an offer I coundn't refuse. I went for a tuning ride with Jack's son after the install and all I can say is that the first time I went WOT with FAST, before it was dialed in, I couldn't believe how much stronger it felt. Like a whole new car. And no Popping!!! I guess you probably could make more HP quicker with FAST, but I don't know that you couldn't do the same with a chip, it's just that with a chip, you have to keep sending it out to get re-burned for what you think you need. With FAST, you control all the parameters and with simple changes to spreadsheet like screens, you can tune to your hearts content. You can use ANY injector, don't need a MAF or ECM or Turbo Link or Scanmaster or Knock Detector or chips. If you have those items, you can sell them to defray the cost of your FAST, making it cost half what you thought it might. The FAST scans your car 10 times a second and is constantly adjusting it to maintain the parameters you set. Jack will also set you up with a good basic tune. He is one of the masters. Give him a call.