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First Loss, but hey I'm still 5 and 1.


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Buick Beginner

Where is my $$$ going?
Nov 9, 2001
First off I'd like to say that I have 2 Stang GT's, a Cobra, a T/A and a 300 ZX under my belt before I start. I just wanted to make myself feel better by saying that. Anyway I'm cruising, trying out my new cold air kit, (which did me no good tonight), and I notice that I'm passing by a late model white Supra which is turning onto the road behind me. Now, I know that some Supras can be pretty quick, but I'm feeling froggy. The guy pulls up next to me and gives a few revs on the motor, Rrrrruuummmm, Whoosh. I can hear the B/O valve, I can also see he has a full complement of gauges glowing blue, (it was about 11:00 at night). Big fat tires, nice wheels, a nice ride. He looked to be of Asian descent probably about 25 to 28 years old. As we move along he and I start chit chating, "where at?" I say. He says up on the interstate, yeah right, I don't think so, I think to myself. The lights aren't cooperating so I agreed to the interstate, but "from a first gear roll" I demanded. If I can't have a light I'll at least have it start from 10 mph. So we get into postion on a long stretch, no cars, and we slow to about 10 mph, I tell him, "you start it". So, on three we both punch it, I think I had 1/2 car length on him for about 2 seconds, then he's pulling me. I kid you not, by the top of third gear he had 5 good car lengths on me. I was flabbergasted! Everytime he shifted a little backfire would shoot out the exhaust at me, a pretty light show indeed, but I would have prefered not to have seen it from that angle. We both slowed and he yells out the window, "was it fair, or did I get a jump?". I said, "my hat's off to you man, it was fair". "I love those Turbo Buicks" he says, I asked him if it was a twin turbo, (dumb question), "Yeah" he says. I should have asked if it had Nitrous, but I was too flustered to think. In my desperation to muster some small victory out of the whole ordeal I say, "Yeah, this is my budget car, only cost me 6K". He nodded in approval , and said he'd love to get up sometime and talk turbos, and we parted company. Now, I'm going to make myself feel better again. If I had the same 30K that the kid paid for that supra sunk into my practically stock GN, I would be running 9's!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much! Good night. - BB:(

It is all good. I remember back when my GN was stock, I got ripped by a MKIV Supra. He was putting TRAIN lengths on me on the freeway. It was kinda sad really. They are top end monsters. The GN has them on the launch though.
Reading your sig, looks like you showed up at a gun fight with a knife! You seem like a good sport though as most would be all mad :mad: Time to spend some loot.
I think you're right Russ

I'm already saving my dollars for some speed, I can't believe I'm probably going to spend my tax return on go fast goodies. Someone please get me some professional help, just a little faster, just a little faster, JUST ONE MORE HIT OF BOOST AND THEN I'LL QUIT! O.K., sorry about that little tangent, I'm fine now. - BB
Did you brake-boost it when you went from a roll?

Its too bad you couldnt get a light, probably woulda had a good jump on him with traction. The supras are all about top end, they cant launch worth anything. If you see them run at the track, they will do 12's but at some crazy mph number that should put it closer to 10's.
Buicks are low-end torque cars. You could beat him in the 1/8 mile, but he would probably pass you going on to the 1/4.

If you're gonna lose to something, a supra aint so bad. At least the guy was cool about it.
If I had to do it again.

No, I forgot about brake boosting, DUH! Well, after carefully replaying the events in my mind I think I could have taken him only through 1st, he would have reeled me in by the top of second, I have no doubt. I was telling a local buddy of mine about the incident today and it's kind of funny what he asked me. His GN is as stock as mine is, and so I said "man, I got slapped by a late model Supra last night". The first thing he said was, "You didn't race him from a roll did you?" I said "yeah", he says "you dummy", and then tells me that his only street loss to date was a, you guessed it, late model Supra from a roll. OK, now where can I get a TE-44 at a good price? Intercooler is already on order. - BB:p