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First Time at Track for both me and my car


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thanks john
i am sure with some mentoring i will be launching much better
fortunate to have pronto and gunslinger local
i will install regulator before next trip to the track
OK, so here's where I'm at.
I turned the boost up to 15psi and I am getting knock 5.7 degrees. only did it once and will not try again.
I have stock fuel regulator, stock chip, cat, and stock airbox. I'm adjusting boost with adjusable wastegate, I am running 93 octane.
I will install the adjustable fuel regulator. I am running 39 line off stock, I'll run a couple more psi line off with the adjustable regulator or should I stick with 39 line off with the adjustable fuel regulator? I did not run with the pressure gauge as when I saw knock I stopped and regardless of fuel pressure seems like I may not have enough.
Once i put on the adjustable regulator I'll hook up and tape up my fuel gauge and see if I'm getting the 1:1 increase in pressure.
Any other thoughts appreciated.

Weird to see knock (although no unexpected) when I've not seen for what seems like a long time, not fun to see.

No more drives until regulator installed.

I had 875 o2 with 5.6 degrees at 57 mph (oviously not at the track).

turbojoe1 - so I took your advice and tried a few street launches, seems obvious to me that even though I thought I was leaving with boost at the track I likely was not. On the street I mashed the brake, gave a bunch of throtle and tires broke lose quickly. I've been feathering it at the track, not stepping into it nearly as much as I thought I had been. That will make a bunch of difference for sure.
Get the adjustable fpr on there and turn it up to 43psi.

Can you feel it put you back it the seat more with the boost launch?

Good thing the track will give you a lot more traction, but once you figure out were the sweet spot is, you'll be wanting better tires.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Go to your local parts store and buy one of those $25 cone filters "the biggest one that will fit" and connect it directly to your maf.
Stock air boxes are not always a big restriction, but on a boosted car it is.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Will do Joe, I've got the bracket for the MAF for when I pull the airbox.
I'll do the regulator today or tomorrow night and turn up to 43.
Once I run 15-17 with no knock I'll do the airfilter and cat (quote of $60 from local muffler shop).
Then I"ll be about done.
What do you think I'll run with 17psi, no airbox and no cat but stock chip? Then what do you think it will run with TT chip (also have ready to go)?

I did not get the chance to test the launch as I just ended up doing a brake stand messing around. Bad time of day around me to let her rip anywhere near me.

I can only imagine the difference, as I recall I don't remember hearing the turbo really spool up at the track, there is so much going on. On one of my runs the guy next to me ran an 8, both wheels off the ground for the first 20 feet or so. Based on reaction time I think I had him for the first 3.5 inches.

Next time at the track I'll pay close attention to the boost gauge at the line. With luck either Pronto or gunslinger will be with me, which will help a ton.

Once you get your 60' down a little. 14.0 or better. You should see lower to mid 13's after that.

Once you find a quite safe place to practice on your boost launches "be careful" try to spin the tires. Then dial back from there. After you let off the brake push the skinny peddle to the floor

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
TT chip! TT CHIP!! 43psi with the line off. Tune the chip.
Listen to them! The stock chip is god awful. I could not build any boost on the break with my stock chip. Swapped in a TT and 42lb injectors, lit the tires up.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I am diligently trying to prove a point on max boost with stock chip. All was great up until 5 minutes ago. 39 psi line off stock regulator. 13psi no knock whatsoever. 15psi - 6 plus degrees at 707 o2 (did not stay in it and never hit WOT) Adjustable fuel regulator 43 psi line off. Now she runs with hesitation and stutter no boost and knock under just about any level of boost. Running generally like crap now. Guys have told me they are watching this thread to see progress so I'm being diligent, not to mention I'm curious myself. The vacuum line to the new regulator is a bit of a bend but does not look pinched (the new regulator is a bit taller than stock).
Stock chip, 39 psi of fuel. Do not change it. When you add the TT chip, then up it to 43.5. The stock chip is not programmed for that pressure/ amount of fuel.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Thank you ZNix, can too much fuel cause Knock? I thought only too little?
So at 39, which I had with stock regulator it looks like I may have hit my limit with regards to boost and stock chip?
The adjustable would not add anything additional to the stock under boost correct? 1:1.
Too much fuel may cause knock, but not usually. I doubt you are putting too much fuel in there. You may have hit your limit on the stock chip. It was programmed with different gas than we have today, so you may not be able to run 15psi with the stocker. Pull back the boost and run it with no knock. When you add the TT chip, start over at low boost. Its always fun tuning =D.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
LOL - this must be killing those of you who've seen this show a 1000 times before.
LOL - this must be killing those of you who've seen this show a 1000 times before.

No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off that way. The stock chips are bad news on todays gas though. 12psi probably is the limit even with 93, from today at least. Sunoco Ultra 94 may work great but I've only seen that in a few places in the south.
we4Mateo - you've only come off one way, that is super helpful.

I would think that for the experienced guys like yourself, watching a newbie like me plod through the steps you've been through a 100 times is a bit amusing and likely frustrating to some. I was just really curious to see how far I could get with a stock tune. Seems like for me it was 13psi.

I am really looking forward to getting her dialed in at 17 or so. I'm close.
Today was the first real setback.
I'm learning a ton and your help is really appreciated.
I hope others will benefit from the posts.
Hi Joe, don't worry , i'm in the same boat with you. I wish i had a track near me so i can see the real #'s with the things i do with my car but all i can do is use my G-tech timer and note the changes in times. The other thing i'm dealing with is having to manually shift my automatic to redline because i think the Governor in my car was off some stock 2004R tranny ( I'm not ready to drop the pan yet ). It's fun but i can't look at the Boost gauage & tach at the same time. The TT chip has made a huge difference in my car. I'm running the -237 fpr and that got me to the 43 fuel press needed so i'm happy with that stock look. I'm not hot wired or walbro'd yet, these are sitting in a box in my garage. it seems what i have right now is up to task.