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Ford Focus got out of Focus in a hurry


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Captain Mark

New Member
Oct 28, 2002
I'm coming home from work in the TTA and suddenly out of nowhere, some knucklehead in a new Ford Focus with wings and fartpipe pulls up next to me and is checking out the car. This kid was probably 18 or 19. Poor kid.........I guess his Mommy never told him about the 1500 Pontiacs that had the Buick turbo V-6. I guess Daddy never told him that when he sees the word "Turbo" on the side of this car to avoid it like a pitbull. Well.......he learned a lesson the hard way.

After he checks out the car, we end up at a red light side by side. I can hear him revving the piece of junk likes he wants some. I just sit there and let the light turn green. He takes off at what sounded like full throttle. (sounded like a pissed off bumble bee). I let him jump out at about a car length and give mine about half throttle. The bird flies past him like he is standing still. I slow down and he is still coming at WOT. I let him get to about my rear fender and open her back up, not allowing him to pass me. He is still coming, so I let him almost get even with me again and speed up, not allowing him to pass. It's like teasing a poor, stupid animal! After that happens a couple of times, he finally just got in behind me and slowed down.

I hope when he has a talk with his chidren in the future, he will stress the piont to avoid any turbo Buick powered car when driving a POS!

I look at this as a public service to todays youth.
Poor misinformed, fart piped, winged out, mis guided youth.

....a pissed off bumble bee. :D That was funny. I hate that sound, truly hate it. It's amazing how some people think it's a "tough" sound. Hopefully in the years to come, these saki suckers (I know it's a Ford, but lets face it, rice is rice, it goes beyond country) will come to learn of the turbo V6 and why it's a waste of time to try to race them. (Most of them)

He really thought after 2 attempts to pass you he would really succeed on the third? LOL! I wonder how shriveled up his jewels were when he was forced to file in "behind" you because he was just too sllllloooooooowwwwwww. :D
"Its like teasing a poor , stupid animal." LOL! That was really funny!
:D :D :D
This rareness thing is really bothersome. Sometimes I feel like nobody knows what a turboed GM product is in everyday traffic scenarious. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the great story Mark,
A friend of mine here at work has a focus and has been to the track once with me. I've trying to get him to get something with some torque. Because as we all know TORQUE IS KING!!! This will be going over to his desk.

The funniest partof it was, the guy had a couple of buddies in the car with him. I am sure there was some big talk going on insode the car like.............."C'mon dude you can take him, it's just a crappy old '80's firebird......smoke him!" You know, stuff like that.

I would like to have heard the conversation afterwards. Something like...."wait until I get my NOS!"
Or something like................. you got your A$$ handed to you. hahaha, guys F-ing with him, and if one guy in there knew what he was talking about, not even know about the TTA, just know what he heard was a turbo........that be real funny!!!! If I was in my friends focus, I'd be sitting there looking at my friend laughing and then look over to you and giving you the thumbs up.

LMAO...Good kill Mark:) You should have turned on your hazzard lights when he fell in behind you lol!

Hey listen, I guess one man's Ford Focus is another man's 426 Max Wedge dual quad cross ram. :D

Poor kids today just don't have a clue. Sometimes I feel bad that they missed out on the real good stuff. The stuff legends are made of. No legends will be made from Ford Focus, that's for sure.