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found one of the 1% civics


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turbo swimmer
Mar 2, 2003
last night i was crusing around with some friends, we stoped to open the dump and hear a pretty loud wastegate, then see a honda. we all laugh and decide we can't have that car running around like it owns the place. so we follow him around a little bit, then he takes us to some open road where my friends getout and flag a quick race. i spool up about 2# and launch rather good for being on the street then hit the juick for a sec untill i spool up all the way. i look over and this honda is right beside me, dead even. we go for about another block and were still dead even, just before i let out to slow down for a stop sign he must have hit the button, he almost instantly jumped a car legnth on me. later he said that was just the vtec kicking in, but doesnt' that happen in the top of every gear?

i was only running 14# had a full tank of gas, cheap street tires, the race wasn't in my favor. if i would have sprayed a little more i think i could have easly walked away from him but i had to save the bottle.

i'll see him at the track tomorrow, where he thinks he'll run a low 11. and hes racing my friend with his 440 dart, that the honda guy thinks is just a small block. for $50. he'll get his.
Yeah from what i have heard the VTEC is in all gears, thats why when you drive em hard you get a little boost, even in first i believe, but then again i could be wrong, or that kid is wrong, and he spent thousands and thousands of dollars to pay some mechanic to hook all this stuff on including a nitrous bottle, and he doesnt even know what hes talking about, im sure in the right situation you would roast him...
I hate to ask a stupid question, BUT WHY are you out looking for races in that state of tune. 14 psi and bald tires??? You are just asking for a whooping. Don't ever go out looking unless you know you are set on kill. Makes the rest of us look bad HA HA

I can hear the little prick now - Hey man, I wooped up on a GN last night. They ain't so hot.

Take care and have fun but get some good tires and gas and get that boost up to 17 or so. Alky is the BEST investment you can make.
hey if he wants to make us look bad, it will just make that guy in the civic feel more like a jerk when he gets walked by one of us running in the "right" trim...mwahahaha
Originally posted by Haynesie
Yeah from what i have heard the VTEC is in all gears, thats why when you drive em hard you get a little boost, even in first i believe, but then again i could be wrong, or that kid is wrong, and he spent thousands and thousands of dollars to pay some mechanic to hook all this stuff on including a nitrous bottle, and he doesnt even know what hes talking about, im sure in the right situation you would roast him...

Yeah kinda. Vtec comes on in higher RPM's. I think it's contolled by oil pressure ,and when the ECU sees high oil pressure it moves a rocker to a more agressive side if a Vtec cam. That why they gotta spin the the little motors ,so high to make power ,but fast honda are few ,and far between.
I think 1% is maybe .0001%. There are so many thousands of those buzzing around. The "VTEC kicking in" wouldn't cause it to lurch forward a car length. It's not like an instant 100 HP.

I was at the local auto parts store yesterday and saw a riced out 2-door Accord (dropped, blue headlights, clears, mirror-tint, big rims, ram-air hood, custom tail light covers, wing, etc.) had followed me into the lot. He pulled diagnoally across a bunch of empty spots a few rows down from me. When I came out of the auto parts store he was still sitting there idling. I drove by him and revved the open dump (was picking up a collector gasket for the dump - the sound of the open dump is better than a spitting leaky gasket) and spooled the turbo up a bit at him. He and his buddy gave me the stink eye through the few inches of rolled-down window and the reverse lights came on (looked like he was going to back out of the spot). I stopped to wait for him before I exited the lot. He thought better of it and I saw the back up lights go out and he just sat there. I waited a bit more but he wasn't coming so I left. I guess he didn't think I'd call his bluff. I'm only running 18 psi but with the Hoosiers I think I could get to 60 quicker than most Accords.

VTEC kicks in at 5700 rpms( can be moddified) its not a noticable differance untill 3rd and 4th gear. In my integra I run a cam that has a very agressive VTEC lobe, and I have my VTEC engage at 6500 RPMS, for me there is no better sound in the world.
Originally posted by TypeR0149
VTEC kicks in at 5700 rpms( can be moddified) its not a noticable differance untill 3rd and 4th gear. In my integra I run a cam that has a very agressive VTEC lobe, and I have my VTEC engage at 6500 RPMS, for me there is no better sound in the world.

At 5K foot altitude, the Honda would have to seriously spraying or turbocharged to keep up with a TR, even a stock one.
I have a buddy of mine who is a ricer, and he tell's me that a common thing amongst the Honda crowd is to say that their car got stuck in "VTEC" WTF? Of course I ran with it and said my Honda lawnmower got stuck in VTEC and I accidently mowed the whole block:D
Originally posted by cwelk87gn
I have a buddy of mine who is a ricer, and he tell's me that a common thing amongst the Honda crowd is to say that their car got stuck in "VTEC" WTF? Of course I ran with it and said my Honda lawnmower got stuck in VTEC and I accidently mowed the whole block:D

ROFLMAO!!!! Almost had coffee coming outta my nose since I really wasnt expecting that.
Originally posted by Boost1

How can you call yourselves "car guys" if you turn your nose up at everything different?

denn454 lost to the faster car... deal with it guys. It happens.
But it shouldn't have happened. He didn't lose to a faster car - he lost because he tried racing his car and it was in no condition to race. You have to learn NOT to do that. Granted on a racetrack if you have a faster car and break, redlight, etc, sure you lose, BUT to go racing in that condition is only asking for trouble. Like our cars, you never know what some of these ricers are capable of - you occasionally find the really good running one.

Do you go to war with no gun? Do you go fishing with no tackle?

If you go out looking to race, be prepared or else just don't do it.
I ran against a Civic that went 13.9 @ 98. It looked and sounded stock, I was impressed. I've seen a CRX run 13.1 and a Civic hatchback run 12.9, but they were loud as hell and looked like crap, too. Either one would hand me my ass, though.
To assume that guy didnt know anything about cars probably isnt the right thing to do. Anyone who puts the time and money into a civic to get it to run with you most likely knows at least a thing or two about his car. To me, and granted I wasn't there, but it sounded like he was playing with you a little cause he knew you didnt know anything about his car. Thus, when he said that little sprint at the end was "VTEC" kicking in, he was having a little fun on your behalf. Kinda like I used to read you guys telling people who ask about the "squeel or whine" your cars make and you tell them its just a loose belt, same kinda idea. Anyway, good run, and everyone should calm down and not get their panties in a wad over one encounter where the loser was not in prime running condition, it happens, it was one time, just try to learn and move on. Good day.
it was one of the non ricer ones, i don't feel too bad about it. 14 is all i can get by with on the great 91 octane they sell around here, i rarely race on the street so alochol just isn't worth it to me, race fuel really is the way to go at the track anyways so thats what i do.

i did see the guy at the track running his brothers car. that night his brothers car was running in the 9's, but at the track all i saw was a high 12. impressive as hell for a honda but no 9's. i pulled off a few low 13 sec passes (finally...) and he said his car still would have taken me, so if he'll ever race for money now he thinks i have a slower car then him and i'll be able to give him a good suprise.

now was loosing all that bad?
Originally posted by Mr. T
How can you call yourselves "car guys" if you turn your nose up at everything different?

denn454 lost to the faster car... deal with it guys. It happens.

I am a true car guy. I have had everything from mustangs to a AWD talon. I love anything that makes good power ,but I know how expensive it is to make a imports fast.