Fresh motor,Fresh kill !!!!


May 24, 2001
Well its official, first kill with my freshly rebuilt motor......The motor has around 600 miles on right now......check the build up in sig!! Anyway, I was on my way to the gym this morning. I glance in my rear view mirror and I see a 5.0 fast approaching ( 90ish type) as I further glance I notice he has those skinny tires in the front and some nice size meats in the rear.....I'm stopped at the red light and he pulls right up next to me!! Man, this car is loud and he sounds like he has a nice lopey cam in there also!! Now, I'm still trying to break this motor in!! So the boost is around stockish--14-15psi with 91 octane in the tank.....Anyway I'm at the light and he next to me,,,,,and then comes the know the one,, and then a quick look at the light.........That look!!! Well, the light turns green, and I didn't even power brake, just left off idle......I heard him rev as I eased down on the gas trying not to break the tires loose.....I jumped out about a car length and then mashed the gas pedal......Needless to say he was very surprised when the tires broke loose around 30 mph and I left him about 2 or 3 car lengths and then let off!!!! I took about a half block to convince him about the power of the darkside!!! He wasn't to happy about the situation, but he told me he had heads, cam, gears, long tube headers, intake, throttle body, and some more stuff...........didn't really matter.........Just think I would have had some more boost and some home brew mix........ BRUTAL!!!!!

Anyway, I think the car ran pretty good with such low boost and horrible pump gas!!!

nice kill, and nice build up you have there too. congrats

Exactly, I thought he might put up a better fight with the boost turned down....Well, enough miles on the motor now, will not have another chance to catch me with my pants down!!!!! Turning up the boost with some home brew mix.....
