FS - Burgundy T-top trim (interior)

ok... I got one interested party.

Is there any particular reason nobody seems to need this stuff? I'm looking for input...
I bought the dash off you.

Couple of reasons:

A- Your link doesn't work

B- Not many T-Top cars in burgundy

What burgundy pieces that fit a non T-Top car you have left? :D



Not sure why the link doesn't work, I can get to it fine. But maybe that's because I 'm the owner.

Hello again! If the pics work you'll see what's left. I'm still not totally sure what stuff is not T-top specific. :eek:
Seats are gone. All universal trim is gone now.

I only have the portions that go around the tops. Will post pics soon.
How about $50 plus shipping?

That's less then $10 a piece. Plus extras :D

I forgot. This is the only forum in the dozen or so I use that won't let me post attachments.. Pics sent to email Ben!

Anyone else let me know and I'll send them out...