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Fuel injector??????


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Mar 17, 2002
I am building a Alky kit simular to the DIY kit but I am going to use a fuel injector as opposed to a nos nozzle. I was wondering if any one has done this on the board. I know it has been done before because I am getting help with it from a TT mustang guy. Any advice on how this would work on a Turbo Buick?
Due to the corrosive nature of alky/methanol or water, the injector would become inoperable in short order. Additionally to the NOS nozzle which I use, I've heard good reports on the Mcmaster-car too.
You can try using a stainless fuel injector that used to come on those methanol/ethanol powered Chevy Luminas. Taurus' are also available in flex fuel mode, but I'm not sure what the injector innards are.
I don think injectors are designed typically to have 12 volts put on them constantly since this may damage the coils. If your using an injector controller I guess may or may not be a problem. Your also talking welding in a bung and fabbing a retaining bracket to hold it down. A lot of custom fabrication thats unresonable on a street car. Let alone an injector controller,wiring, and the hopes that injector doesnt go bad...or becomes too small..then what? add another injector :D

But if you do a little reading, there are easier ways to accomplsh this kind of stuff. The NOS or McMaster Carr nozzles are way way easy to use and fiddle with. And proven reliable by almost all in this entire section.

I know you like doing things a little different, thats ok..we all push the envelope... just want you to be successful,

Thanks for the insite guys. I believe I am going to give it a try. I am not compleatly sure how it will work but I will figure it out. I will keep you posted.
This might help

Here's a LINKY to something that might be helpful. Dunno if you want to control it this way, but it might prove useful. At least it's cheap. HTH's -Chuck
You might also want to look into the extra injectors that the VW Rabbits use for cold starts. I know alot of turbo mopar guys use them for extra fuel and they would probably stand up to Alky better than a regular fuel injector. Look in the junkyards, they are pretty cheap and easy to find. (not sure what else they were used on)

P.S. Propain is hooked up and working, just need to get it tuned. Tires are also mounted:D :p :D
Originally posted by Razor
I don think injectors are designed typically to have 12 volts put on them constantly since this may damage the coils. If your using an injector controller I guess may or may not be a problem. Your also talking welding in a bung and fabbing a retaining bracket to hold it down. A lot of custom fabrication thats unresonable on a street car. Let alone an injector controller,wiring, and the hopes that injector doesnt go bad...or becomes too small..then what? add another injector :D

Good point Julio - I was assuming GTA was going to use some sort of injector controller.

Hey GTA - I hope you're talking about using an injector controller/driver. Otherwise, I don't see what the point of using a fuel injector is. By using an injector driver circuit, and associated input signals and conditioning, you can end up with a nice progressive style control. The old ATR 7th injector should be the goal..but seems a little overkill - even for me the 'Rocket Scientist'.