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Fuel Injectors


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It's just a V6 Regal....
Jan 11, 2004
Hey guys, Im looking to get some new fuel injectors for my 85, preferably around 36 lbs. I was wondering where the best places to purchase new injectors are.
hey check out POSTON

they sell tons of Turbo buick parts........
i bought my new injectors through them

the number is
1 (800) 635 9781

ask for a catalog also

i think they are qbout $245 for 6

remember you will need a new chip for the 36ers
i think i may have a hot-aired chip for 36s that i purchased through poston.
i know they will ask bout $100 for a new chip
ill dig around for it, if your interested in it drop me an email.
ill give ya a hella deal

Any of the Turbo vendors will have them.
Look on the home page for a list.
Then you can check prices for a set.
You will also need a chip to match the injectors.
If you still run the 85 ECM make sure they know that,for a proper chip.

A new chip huh? So if I installed the 36lb injectors, I couldnt use my Kenne Bell chip anymore?
so is it ok to purchase the 36 injectors and the chip for those and install that setup on my stock engine and stock block ? would i run into any problems becuz of being all stock ?

no problem running 36lbers w/ proper chip on stock set up. but i would go with an adjustable regulator also to control the extra fuel.
Alright, Ive got some more questions, will the 36lb injectors only run with a chip? Or is the chip just designed to get the most out of them? Is it impossible to run the 36lbs on a stock or kenne bell chip? I have to be able to use a stock chip to pass smog......Also, what is the largest fuel injector size that does not require a chip?

Sorry you can't run upgraded injectors on the stock chip. The fueling curve is totally different and will give you driveabilty problems. call Joe Lubrant @ PT&E and get you an upgraded chip to match your injectors.
Alright, so any upgrade to the fuel injectors above the stock 28lbs requires a chip? Do you know if a chip made for the fuel injectors will have any effects on smog? Are the chips usually just stock 84-85 chips with added support for larger injectors, or do they have other values programmed in?
The car would probably run with the stock chip and those injectors but it would be horribly rich with very poor drivability. The aftermarket injectors not only deliver more fuel but have a different curve. Chips are cheap anyway. I would suggest going with the 009s (42.5lb) injectors because they're cheap, have great street manners, and will be more than you will ever need. I also have a set for sale and I believe I have a chip also. I don't want to get rid of them but I started going lean on the old motor so I'm sure the new one will be really lean.
so me being all stock i can either go wit 36s or 42.5 wit the proper chip and fuel pupmp and regulator and my car will run fine ?
Sure can. You should be able to contact one place like or something for the injectors (I recommend 42.5#, lots of headroom), fuel pump (Walbro 340), hotwire kit, and adjustable regulator. Then talk to Eric at about a chip, and away you go.
Or just call Quad Air for the whole thing, they burn chips for hot airs. I'm not sure Eric has burned one for a hot air yet? (I know first hand he was working out the bugs) But if you just want to upgrade your injectors and fuel pump and just run a street chip for your set up you can just have a chip burned for that. If you want to run more octane you can have a chip for that.
Quad Air huh? Do they have a site? You think they can make a chip that is basically a stock 85 chip, just with support for 36lb injectors? I need something that is still gonna be able to pass smog.
so how many chips can u get ? do u gte the fuel and octane all in one chip or whats the deal wit that ? i always thought u could just load up the tank wit more octane witout a chip why would u need that?
A race chip made for high octane takes advantage of it with more timing and usually more fuel, assuming you're going to be running more boost. There's nothing wrong with running your regular street chip and high octane, the race chip will get more out of the high octane.

Without changing boost or anything else, I picked up a solid 3 tenths with the race chip.
For hot air chips, you can also see JIM TESTSA in the smog forum. He burns all kinds of chips. As for the 42.5's, they are $41.50 each, or $250 for 6 at, under buick performance. Joe Luberant is a great guy to talk to, but before you get that chip and injectors, get the pump kit from racetronix, and an adjustable fuel pressure regulator from poston or kenne bell. You need both of those before you upgrade injectors, otherwise your going to not have enough pump, or too much fuel, eitherway, you can't tune very well at all. Good luck!

well thank for tht info that did explain alot i ahve another question who do u guys get ur adjustable wastegate from? poston ? or who