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Gen ll disable WB correction


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West Coast Newfy
Jul 17, 2007
Did a little digging but would like to confirm if I set the TPS trigger point to 0.00 this will disable WB correction?

Extender G chip
AEM wideband
or I could set minimum RPM to 7000?
all 3 parameters need to be met, Min TPS Min RPM Min Load?
Thanks !
New motor new alky pump want to get it close before I turn it on.
Hi Rick

I have another question for you, when I'm rolling at a slow speed some times it will stall, even at speed if I lift the throttle it goes pig rich.
I found this in the instructions and figured I would try to tune it out.
MAFLim TPS: TPS value below which MAF Flow is limited to the below settings. MAF Limit: When TPS is below the MAFLimTPS, MAF flow is limited to this. This helps reduce decel richness. MAF /Krpm: Second limiting factor. This setting, multiplied by (RPM/1000), is added to the MAF Limit and the sum becomes the max allowable MAF Flow when TPS is less than MAFLimTPS .

What would be good starting points for the TPS value and MafLimit and do I need to play with the second limiting factor as well.

I have the G chip does that mean I have to cut the MafLimit in half?
Figured it out that was easy, set the TPS limit at .46 and the MAFLimit at 8 smooth as silk now, what about the second limiting factor do I need to play with that?
you want just enough limiting to prevent the stall. the big 4" pipe gets wierd eddy currents in it when you drop the throttle and they can take a couple seconds to fade.

sounds like you are on the right track though.

Thanks for the help gents.
I have another question regard the Gen ll and g chip. I was going thru the directions and was going to add timing in 1-2 the way it read is that the extreme chip automatically adds 2 degrees of timing in 1-2 is this the case when running the Gen ll to control timing. I have added compression and found a happy place in 3rd for timing but was thinking of adding timing in 1-2.
the low gear timing is adjustable in the Extender Extreme G chips, thats the place to do it.

Thanks Bob if it's set at 18 with the gen ll it's 18 across the board unless I add it at the chip in 1-2?
1st and 2nd gear are the chip default. Usually 17. You can add or subtract from that using the adjustment in chip. Parameter 10.

3rd and 4th gear are done with the gen2.

Bob can correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's how it works.

All right I'm still confused you might need to explain this to me like you are talking to a small child......

on page 6

Low Gear WOT Spark. Spark advance in first and second gears at WOT can be programmed to be higher than in 3rd and 4th. Default setting for Parameter 10 is 8which is 2 degrees additional advance. This parameter is adjustable from zero additional degrees advance, to 4 degrees additional.

So if the chip default is 17 does this mean I'm at 19 or is the default 15 plus 2 equaling 17?
the low gear spark advance is added to the regular WOT spark.

if you have a 17 degree chip, then its 17 in 3rd and 4th, and 19 in 1st and 2nd.
With a Gen2 chip, the timing is set by the Gen-2. I mis-spoke in my earlier post.

The chip adds low gear spark on top of that.
Finally I get it Gen 2 is set at 18 now so I have 20 in 1-2.

Thanks Bob that was my suspicion and my original question but it was poorly worded.