i took out the factory smoke
Well after 6 hours I finally finished hooking up the electronics.
So now its mid night but I had to finish it.
I then go over everything to make shore I don't fry the electronics and that I didn't leave a wrench in the engine. Every thing looks good.:smile:
I then proceed to turn the car on- cool all lights on the kit come on and life is good.:biggrin:
Now I hit the test button and nothing WHAT. I hit the test button again and still no stumble.
So now I pull the fuse out of the fuel pump so that I can put the key on the run position with out starting the car and try to hear the alky pump.
Well guess what? I hear the alky pump

(yes the pump light came on but I needed to hear the pump in case I messed up the wiring).
At this point I am close to having a melt down.

While sitting in the car I actually count to 20 I then walk to the front of the car look into the engine and see wetness all over the up pipe, IC, water pump and oil filter. That’s when I had the melt down.

I remembered that last week when installed the turbo the alky line fell on the batteries positive terminal while the other end was grounded on the up pipe end. It was this way so long (2-3 seconds) that the factory smoke came out of line on the up-pipe end.
Now I have to order new lines.
I hate it when stupid ship like this happens.
BTW lucky that I still had regular WW fluid in the system and not M1