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Getting SPAM from


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May 25, 2001
I got an email from It was to my business address. Funny thing is that I did not give them my business address. :reallypissed:

Anyone else getting emails from them to accounts that they are not supposed to have?

I put a thread up over there, but I am sure that it will get deleted.

So what are you saying? Mike is stalking you? How do YOU explain him having your business email address? All he sent out was updates to the website. Whoa, cant have that now can we?
Exactly what is your complaint?

Originally posted by Taffy
I got an email from It was to my business address. Funny thing is that I did not give them my business address. :reallypissed:

Anyone else getting emails from them to accounts that they are not supposed to have?

I put a thread up over there, but I am sure that it will get deleted.


Deleted??? I doubt it.....:rolleyes:
Originally posted by IrvJr
So what are you saying? Mike is stalking you? How do YOU explain him having your business email address? All he sent out was updates to the website. Whoa, cant have that now can we?
Exactly what is your complaint?


I would love to know how he got my business address. I put my website up on my profile. He does not know that is MY page. Is he go to peoples websites on their profiles and spam all the contacts on their webpages?

Come on guys, if you think that he obtained my email buy going to my page, which he did not even know it was MY page, you are kidding yourselves.

Someone tell me this. Why did I not get an email to the address that I actually have registered on
Re: Re: Getting SPAM from

Originally posted by The Radius Kid
Sounds like a lot of noise over nothing.
Simple solution

That would be the easy way to do it. BUT....there would not be much controversy in that. Plus there would not be as much poo poo flying. We all love some poo poo flying!!! Makes everyone happy to be able to take out their aggression on the keyboard. Almost as good as s*x. ;)
I am personally pissed at an extreme level. Last time i got a newsletter sent to my job in the mail. Now how the **** did he get my buisness's adress ????

very shady BULL-****

expect a call from me turbobuicks!!!
Originally posted by 1000MileStylez
I am personally pissed at an extreme level. Last time i got a newsletter sent to my job in the mail. Now how the **** did he get my buisness's adress ????

very shady BULL-****

expect a call from me turbobuicks!!!

Whoa poop. I noticed that you has small block posse in your signature. Very cool. I used to go to that forum all the time while I was out to sea in the Navy. Some good poop talking there!!
I had a similar situation with He emailed my g/f who is a member here and NOT a member on He didn't send me an email though. Anyways, I was not too happy about it either. I emailed, asking about this practice but naturally recieved no reply. This is why I don't post over there. I agree, shady deals.

I find this sight FAR more informative and reasonable. Also with the new board,, you now have too sites with good information, reasonable people and methods and another place to meet fellow TR owners.

Someone wrote "Click-delete." Absolutely true... but I do understand your dislike of that sort of practice.
The horse is dead already. Can somebody PLEASE stop beating it?? This is like telling the same joke every year at X-Mas. Give it a rest already. :rolleyes:
You guys kill me.

This guy has a LEGITIMATE bitch and you mock him? Who do you guys think you are. I deleted the NEGATIVE posts referring to the other board. You don't like it? Speak up. I will take care of it. There will be no more toleration. End of story. My wife and 12 others have emailed me pissed with the SAME EXACT bitch. It is legit, I am sorry to say. We were infiltrated and some info was stolen. I am going to start the "weeding out" process now.
This guy is a upstanding gent in our community and you mock him. ( And a vendor to boot)

Eric, I am sorry as I cannot prevent this but it annoys me too. Jay Carter, Scott Keller and I , all do not feel the need to "recruit" .
Guess they have some issues over there. Funny how three sites can get along and the black sheep one cannot. Ought to tell you something.:rolleyes:
Again Eric, I apologize.

WE4 admin
Post your email in a public place?

Well did you? :rolleyes:

You guys are WACKED! :D

I better update my email here so they can find me. :cool:
You guys honestly think you were hacked to get email addresses so he could recruit new members? Conspiracy theory central aka

Originally posted by IrvJr
You guys honestly think you were hacked to get email addresses so he could recruit new members? Conspiracy theory central aka


This could become a future Oliver Stone movie:D
Exactly what i was thinking. Who could play me? George Clooney? Maybe Ben Affleck, NAH, he's not good looking enuf.
Steve Buscemi could do it, he a handsome devil!

Bruce, As I type Eric of B&E Customs the starter of this post is on sharing information on his great products with the members. Think you over reacted a little on this thread?:confused:

Maybe its just me, But all it was is a Letter saying the site was updated. Was there a threat or somthing??

Come on, is all this really nessasary??

I get like 3 of these a day saying something,E bay, Buicksx2, Artie paltz. Just delete it...


Originally posted by ULYCYC
Bruce, As I type Eric of B&E Customs the starter of this post is on sharing information on his great products with the members. Think you over reacted a little on this thread?:confused:

Bruce over reacting?? Never!!!:D :o :p ;)
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