
come on Don, we all feel ur pain but treat this thread like a Dr. Frued session, VENT;)
I got one thats still fresh, open wound. Last Friday, my girlfriend of 2 years, and eventual wife(well, not any more), decided it wasnt working out and dumped me. No explanation, not a damn thing. The f*%$#%* girl has turned me into an alcoholic! My first and last word of advise for anyone in a piss poor relationship, never, I repeat NEVER put a ring on their finger:mad: :mad: :mad: I found that out the hard way.:(
Chris sorry to hear about it. Long term relationships always turn a man into walking mess, i am in college at SIUC and sometimes there isnt enough beer at a party (7 kegs) to forget about things.

There is quote from one of Marilyn Manson's songs that reads


I went out with a girl for a year and a half. She was holding a party at her house and i was chillin outside with some of her college friends while she was in dancing with a bunch of people. After awhile i noticed the lights were off in the dance room. I walk in not really looking to snoop but find her on top of this guy with both her hands not visible:eek: :mad: . Talk about a moment were you are about to do something horrible. Her explanation was that she was drunk:rolleyes: . I have been extremely loaded in my short life and still knew what i was doing with my tongue and hands:cool: . I told her it was over, went outside her house at 2am and layed a patch down the road with the GN:D .
for some reason girls in their late teens, early 20's (gee just around my age!) like to play a relationship up so much and you are together for like 2-3 years and then all of a sudden they want a "change" and want to start dating around...then 5 years later they find themselves still single and getting uglier and complain they can't find mr. right...well GEE you had him about 5 years ago you stupid %#$!:mad: :D

i dunno...i say all guys between the ages of 18-25 just PLAY AROUND and not get's not the time to get serious anyways...too much fun to be had (it is NOT cool to take someone else's girl though...i hate it when guys try to steal girlfriends from other guys)

ok done venting!:)

did i mention i am in a 2 year relationship at the moment? my girl decided to ditch me for another guy about 6 months ago and she just wasn't the same girl that i had come to know and love...she had a short stint and the guy was a TOTAL a-hole to her and she regrets EVERY moment of it and she tells me EVERYDAY how lucky she is to have me back...sometimes you just have to let them go for a short while and let them figure out how good they HAD it...god taught me a life long lesson when i got in a HORRIBLE accident back in august...if God can give me another chance why can't I give my girl another chance?

a good saying to follow "if you let her free...and she comes back, she's yours forever...if she doesn't then she was never meant to be"

k i sound like i am 50 years old...i'm only 21:eek: :confused:
sorry gbodygirl. if you want to man bash i am open ears, teaches us alittle bit about what not to do with women;) . I do like your signature:D :eek:

cause girls are like buicks...just when you think everythings ok, they blow a gasket
Originally posted by Blwn87
sorry gbodygirl. if you want to man bash i am open ears, teaches us alittle bit about what not to do with women;) . I do like your signature:D :eek:

not to worry... just the girls have been gettin' a little bit of crap on here lately... :p

not too much man-venting right now... been with my bf for 3 years & we're happy ;) though i'm sure i've had my share of stories... but i don't think they need to be shared on here :rolleyes:

btw, thanks about the sig... i dig it too! :D
never ever give a woman what she wants even if she whines like a turbo under WOT, just call her out on her whinning and they will treat you like a king.
they all suck. PERIOD! can't make em' happy no matter what, and they're all,Ing CRazy

well, If you find the right one for you its great. The problem is that all the wrong ones you find yourself with along the way really mess up your head!
On top of that, you see your friends get stuck in bad relationships, and it discourages you that much more.

The biggest problem I see, is that women decide to date a guy after they have figured out they can change him to suit her needs. Well, he'd be perfect if he just......changed his hair, traded his car, got rid of this, changed this, was less of this, more of that... They look at you like ricers look at a project car. Take some import that gets good mileage, runs decent, makes a great daily driver. They think it will be perfect if they just....change the rims, lower it, add wings, plaster stickers all over it....etc. They take an economy car and try to make it some fake racecar wannabe. Ya know what I mean?
Blown87:you go to SIUC?! Damn, so do I. I think I know your ride, is it a reddish ~85 T, I think it is with some gauges on the inside? I half worship that thing. damn if I weren't poor and in college I'd have one =) All I've got is a *#@$ box :(
I like silversleepers explanation the best (I'm saving that now for future use).

I know what ya mean. If me and my girlfriend break up, I'm spending some quality time with myself and my fine automobile (whatever it maybe) for a long long time (5-6 yrs.)

Lifes too short to deal with the bullcrap day in and day out. If your girl doesn't make you happy, or in most of our cases drives you clinically insane. Then leave (I wonder why I haven't sometimes).

Yes, I am writing this after a fight with my girlfriend over something stupid. (Going to help my Uncle Saturday morning and I figured I just crash at their house. Well she flies off the handle about how I put everything ahead of her, which I dont, but she's fixing to find out what that feels like.)

In her defense I guess it doesn't help having one of my buddies working with her (or used to), telling her things (of his own accord). I liked the one about me disappearing with the two girls at the keg party for 2 hours best though. Of course I don't think it helps my girlfriend's mentality when I don't deny or admit anything, but hell she started it. She's the one that wants to drive me nuts.
(BTW The Keg party happened the girl thing didn't ---> In my defense)

Enough ranting,

Sean see my thread over there....

i will also open the SOT fourm for those wishing to post nude pics of past girlfirends that screw them up!

I had a fiancee leave me about six months ago and took it pretty bad. Some of you guys might remember it, I posted a dopey woman problem thread on here.

The point is, I haven't dated a chick since then, and I seriously doubt that I ever will again. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gay or anything (not that theres anything wrong with that), I just can't see myself getting attacted to another woman. I have however had a few unattacted encounters with the fairer sex, if you get my drift. I've never been happier.

Women are designed to cheat. Think about it.....

After sex we doze off because we are tired. They want to stay awake and gab. On a scientific level, what does this mean?

It means that back in the caveman days, there was some need for women to be awake after mating, while men it wasn't as important for. I think that the woman would just go around knocking boots with as many men as they could.

Why you ask? Survival of the fittest. The strongest man had the strongest sperm and the best chance to get her pregnant. Thus continuing the species for the better.

Today's society has lowering morals everyday. No longer does a woman have to find a good man to survive, so she doesn't have to act civalized. She can whore herself around like a GGW video and live her life just fine. No longer do they feel the need to repel their biological urges and be faithful. They will do so only as long as it suits them financially, and then move on to the next sucker.

Not this gearhead. I want to be Mayor one day, and I'm not going to have a divorce to blemish my past, or a wife to enjoy the spoils of my hard work.

Just the way I see it, guys.
I dunno.. I now when you have a good one(like I do) everything in the world is good. Did you talk to her to try to find out what exactly she was not happy about?? Some(most) guys don't wanna or even have that ability so it seems.. Treat her as your best friend(like she really is) and maybe it will work out better.. I know it worked for me and we are together 23 years..

Originally posted by gbodygirl
:eek: :confused: why all the bitterness towards women on this site all of a sudden? no good! :mad:
maybe is you were in the house dancing with her instead of "chillin' outside with friends YOU would be the one with the invisable hands..

Originally posted by Blwn87
Chris sorry to hear about it. Long term relationships always turn a man into walking mess, i am in college at SIUC and sometimes there isnt enough beer at a party (7 kegs) to forget about things.

There is quote from one of Marilyn Manson's songs that reads


I went out with a girl for a year and a half. She was holding a party at her house and i was chillin outside with some of her college friends while she was in dancing with a bunch of people. After awhile i noticed the lights were off in the dance room. I walk in not really looking to snoop but find her on top of this guy with both her hands not visible:eek: :mad: . Talk about a moment were you are about to do something horrible. Her explanation was that she was drunk:rolleyes: . I have been extremely loaded in my short life and still knew what i was doing with my tongue and hands:cool: . I told her it was over, went outside her house at 2am and layed a patch down the road with the GN:D .
if you live by that you will die an old lonely man..

Originally posted by wiked87gn
never ever give a woman what she wants even if she whines like a turbo under WOT, just call her out on her whinning and they will treat you like a king.