
If she makes you horny, sleep with her.
If she makes you happy, date her.
If she makes you angry, dump her.
If she makes you laugh, marry her.
Originally posted by John Larkin
If she makes you horny, sleep with her.
If she makes you happy, date her.
If she makes you angry, dump her.
If she makes you laugh, marry her.

And if she makes you want to jump off a bridge?? Do you push her off?

Sorry.. just trying to follow your logic John. :)

I was outside chilling with HER FRIENDS. My friends dont like her friends so i was there as the lone ranger. I also dont dance, i am the stereotypical white man and alittle worse. I listen to heavy metal and i can tell you that stuff doesnt make you want to dance like a normal human being, makes you want to start something that makes a circle (for all you metalheads you know what i am talking about;) ). I was with her for a year and a half and trust is a big part of any relationship. IF THERE ISNT TRUST, THAN THERE ISNT A RELATIONSHIP. I lost trust, so she lost me!!
I'll paraphrase to keep it clean but there's and old saying "If it wasn't for the sex part there would be a bounty on them.". You can decide for yourself how true that is. I'm sure they feel the same way. You know they say women are from Venus and men are from Mars. That makes sense when you realize Venus rotates the opposite direction of the other planets.
Like the old saying goes.....

If it has Ti... (breasts) or wheels it will give you troubles.

Originally posted by FlyinGN
I dunno.. I now when you have a good one(like I do) everything in the world is good. Did you talk to her to try to find out what exactly she was not happy about?? Some(most) guys don't wanna or even have that ability so it seems.. Treat her as your best friend(like she really is) and maybe it will work out better.. I know it worked for me and we are together 23 years..

hey frank... i think these boys are a buncha whiners :p :rolleyes:
I'm going to give you some advice that it took me 30 years to learn...


as soon as I quit doing that, I found the perfect one and have ZERO regrets.

If you look back, you knew what was coming long before it happened...

Men are just stupid and ignore the obvious.

Oh yeah - any girl under 27 is going to be trouble.
Don't let the little head think for the big head...

Blwn87 has it. If you don't have trust, you don't have anything.

Take a ho back that cheats on you??? Are you nutz?
Thinkin' about marryin' a ho who cheated on a guy w/ you??Are you Nutz?

Pick the right women? Is there on??? You are Nutz!

You can't find anyone in this world to try and chain me to for 40-50 yrs......I get tired of myself, let alone someone else...:D
ROTFLMAO.. Remember guys. There are always 2 sides to a story. Look in the mirror sometimes.. Ypu would be surprised what you see..

Originally posted by gbodygirl
hey frank... i think these boys are a buncha whiners :p :rolleyes:
I have to agree with both sides of this arguement (or my girlfriend will kill me)

It really has to do with the girl. As a few have said already, it depends on the girl. Once you've stopped waisting your time with the 'wrong' girl and find the right one, then you'll be a lot happier. But until you find that girl, it's a hard pill to swallow that woman aren't worth their weight in spam.

Oh, BTW Frank. I look in the mirror every morning and LOVE what I see. :) NO surprises.
Sorry guys I can't agree with you. I have a good GIRL. She is my best friend, my confidont and the mother of my two beautiful kids. You guys must be looking for love in all the wrong places. I was dating my wife for 7 years and married for 4 years. She respects me and my hobbies (my Buick, and vice versa) and would not ever make me choose between the 2. The way some of you guys are talking, it seems like the only answer for you is homosexuality (the way you bash women) or keep throughing your left hand down on the bed and rape it:eek: Slamming women is weak. We need them, plain and simple. Taking shots at females is like slapping your Mom in the face.
Originally posted by d0n_3d
for some reason girls in their late teens, early 20's (gee just around my age!) like to play a relationship up so much and you are together for like 2-3 years and then all of a sudden they want a "change" and want to start dating around...then 5 years later they find themselves still single and getting uglier and complain they can't find mr. right...well GEE you had him about 5 years ago you stupid %#$!:mad: :D

i dunno...i say all guys between the ages of 18-25 just PLAY AROUND and not get's not the time to get serious anyways...too much fun to be had (it is NOT cool to take someone else's girl though...i hate it when guys try to steal girlfriends from other guys)

ok done venting!:)

did i mention i am in a 2 year relationship at the moment? my girl decided to ditch me for another guy about 6 months ago and she just wasn't the same girl that i had come to know and love...she had a short stint and the guy was a TOTAL a-hole to her and she regrets EVERY moment of it and she tells me EVERYDAY how lucky she is to have me back...sometimes you just have to let them go for a short while and let them figure out how good they HAD it...god taught me a life long lesson when i got in a HORRIBLE accident back in august...if God can give me another chance why can't I give my girl another chance?

a good saying to follow "if you let her free...and she comes back, she's yours forever...if she doesn't then she was never meant to be"

k i sound like i am 50 years old...i'm only 21:eek: :confused:
Theres also another saying,
"Once a cheater ,always a cheater" or something like that...

Glad to hear you are back together,hope she doent stray again...

:mad: :mad:
NEVER EVER EVER EVER give a cheater a second chance. I did and got a wonderful "gift" - the kind that keeps on giving, the kind I will never be rid of for the rest of my life, if you catch my drift.
Oh Gee,

there they go whining about how bad girl or women are! I really feel for everybody who had bad experience with relationships, I know it hurts and it will for a while but eventually, you guys will find another one and if that isn't working out then the next one... that's life!
I'm sure if there were more girls in here we could have a topic to whine about how horrible guys are. Heartbreakers come in both genders!

But I know that it will make you broken- heart-guys feel better to trash women, so go ahead, I feel for you!
Originally posted by ttypewhite
Sorry guys I can't agree with you.... ....The way some of you guys are talking, it seems like the only answer for you is homosexuality (the way you bash women) or keep throughing your left hand down on the bed and rape it:eek: Slamming women is weak. We need them, plain and simple. Taking shots at females is like slapping your Mom in the face.

My whole point from earlier was that today's women aren't like the women of the past. So it's not like slapping our mom's in the face. It's slapping a whole bunch of whores that know that if they get into a wet t shirt contest, guys will buy them free drinks. It's a group of women that keep a man long enough as it suits them, and then they jump on the next ****.

I honestly think that this country is going straight to hell. Is it the women that caused it? No, they are a result of it, but they certainly aren't helping.

I don't open a door for women anymore, I don't call them Miss, I don't give them any aspect of chivilary. To me, women have become something to use and dispose of. I like to beat them to the punch.

You can tell me all the things that I have heard. That I will die alone, always be lonely, etc, but I don't care. I might be a lonely bitter old man, but at least I will be an old man from not dying from AIDS that a cheating wife gave me. I might be old, but at least I will be able to provide for myself rather than pay alimony to a woman that married me so she could have a paycheck.

I think I will be alright.
Sorry to hear of your problems. But thats a loser attitude. Not all women are flakes like the one you dated. There are always two sides to a story. I am quite sure your X could say pretty much the same about you. If your doing your job right she wouldn't have a wondering eye. But hey, you still have your health, and with your lastest take on women I bet you got one hell of a grip with that left hand of yours. ;) Ease up man, your jumping off the deep end here. But thats what happens when you keep clubing eddie and not the real thing:eek:
I would have done my job right, trust me. Unfortunently, I was in the middle of the Persian Gulf a couple thousand miles from her. She knew I was in the Navy from the start, but that didn't stop her from being a whore.

Ease up man, your jumping off the deep end here. But thats what happens when you keep clubing eddie and not the real thing

Believe me, I have plenty of "the real thing", I'm just not stupid enough to date them. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? I say screw that, why even rent the cow? Stop by, drop trow, and leave.
I love jokes like everybody else but this one had my eyes watering, Stop by, drop trow, and leave.
That was good:D
Originally posted by Shane
My whole point from earlier was that today's women aren't like the women of the past. So it's not like slapping our mom's in the face. It's slapping a whole bunch of whores that know that if they get into a wet t shirt contest, guys will buy them free drinks. It's a group of women that keep a man long enough as it suits them, and then they jump on the next ****.

I honestly think that this country is going straight to hell. Is it the women that caused it? No, they are a result of it, but they certainly aren't helping.

I don't open a door for women anymore, I don't call them Miss, I don't give them any aspect of chivilary. To me, women have become something to use and dispose of. I like to beat them to the punch.

You can tell me all the things that I have heard. That I will die alone, always be lonely, etc, but I don't care. I might be a lonely bitter old man, but at least I will be an old man from not dying from AIDS that a cheating wife gave me. I might be old, but at least I will be able to provide for myself rather than pay alimony to a woman that married me so she could have a paycheck.

I think I will be alright.

well and I guess there lies your problem "good" women deserve respect and nicety with such an attitude you will certainly not find the right woman for your life.

I'm really sorry for what happened to you but I don't think the root of the evil is emancipation and that a woman nowadays can survive without a man. And even though, I agree with you that morals are disappearing (just watch some of the music videos!) and girls dressing trashy and acting cheap, there are still plenty of woman out there who keep their pride and class. If I were you I wouldn't wish back the days that women needed a good man to survive, how do you think they chose their husbands- yes, Paycheck!

I respect your opinion of staying single for the rest of your life, all the power to you! But I honestly can't imagine you'll get very far with that and I'm sure your opinion will change in a blink if an eye by the right one.;)