
samballs is correct guys.. Whether you like it or not. Thats the way to make a relationship work. If you can't grasp that you will never be happy with a woman..
FlyinGN....Maybe we'll think that way when we find a woman worth anything...., I'm gonna go puts some water in Samballs mammas' dish. he he :D
This thread is hilarious. Some mindless rambling...

I don't know about the rest of you, but my 29 years on Earth has taught me one great lesson: Be happy with yourself, because True Love is unlikely. Not impossible, but the odds are against it. Look around at the married people that you know; How many of those marriages would YOU want to be a part of, day-in and day-out?

Meeting people isn't the problem. Frankly, if you're too f()cking shy to talk to women, then don't pollute my planet with your offspring. Please. But personally, I'd rather NEVER get married than be miserable. Not that I'm against it...I just won't settle for less than what I want...and that's how I approach long-term dating.

Someone mentioned earlier that girls under 27 are trouble...that's right on, by the way. The next girl I'm out with, who makes $9/hour and whines that she doesn't have the new Dooney & Bourke or Coach bag is getting pushed off a cliff.

...and as for meeting people online...

If you do it right, and you don't look like Smeagol [from LOTR], it's easy. I've met several HOT girls from and Yahoo personals. Chances are, they're having a harder time finding the right guy, than vice-versa. My profile gets 150-200 views per day, so trust me guys: It's worth doing.

The only real tough part is describing yourself on there, and doing the stupid IceBreaker thing. What the hell do you say to people in 10 lines or less?

Option 1:
Hi there, I saw your profile. I'm really NOT a loser, I really enjoy TYPING my words to girls. Please keep reading, I can't stand rejection.

Option 2:
I'm on a pool league; I race; I weld and fabricate; I'm attractive, funny and smart; I make a great living in the IT field; I have a cool motorcycle; I'm close to my family; I don't have any Gay tendencies; I'm not on any I really don't need you at all, but thanks for looking.

Option 3:
You. Me. And a Trojan.

Option 4:
Hello, madame. Care for a weekend in Rome? - This is for the idiotic, pretentious, gold-digging 28-32 year old Hussies from Hudson.

Option 4:
PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSEEE email me back, or I'll just die!!!!!

All told, it's not easy. But Women are just another part of the cycle...don't take it too seriously, fellas. Hey, maybe the Taliban wasn't so bad...Burkhas could be the new fashion craze. ;) :)
I just thought of something - but a short, condensed story first.

For YEARS I went through bad relationships - one after the other all failed for varoius reasons. I got tired of it and decided to seek counseling to figure out what my problem was. Long story short -after a few sessions and with the help of my counselor (one of the greatest people in the world) we figured out I was ALWAYS picking the wrong type of person - I was destined for failure....If you would be honest with your self and stop picking the wrong people (and you always know they're wrong whether you admit it or not), you will find the right person...

ANYWAY - I have now been blissfully married to the most wonderful person I've ever known for 5+ years (She was there the whole time too - I just didn't see it). I have asked her upon occasion what she likes most about me and her answer is interesting.
Her answer:
"You are a MAN...a true "man". You're chivalrous, strong, brave, protective & confident, yet romantic and you make me feel safe and secure."

SO guys - Be a MAN and let her be a woman. Don't blur the lines to much. Be more old fashioned...
Originally posted by zam70
I just thought of something - but a short, condensed story first.

For YEARS I went through bad relationships - one after the other all failed for varoius reasons. I got tired of it and decided to seek counseling to figure out what my problem was. Long story short -after a few sessions and with the help of my counselor (one of the greatest people in the world) we figured out I was ALWAYS picking the wrong type of person - I was destined for failure....If you would be honest with your self and stop picking the wrong people (and you always know they're wrong whether you admit it or not), you will find the right person...

ANYWAY - I have now been blissfully married to the most wonderful person I've ever known for 5+ years (She was there the whole time too - I just didn't see it). I have asked her upon occasion what she likes most about me and her answer is interesting.
Her answer:
"You are a MAN...a true "man". You're chivalrous, strong, brave, protective & confident, yet romantic and you make me feel safe and secure."

SO guys - Be a MAN and let her be a woman. Don't blur the lines to much. Be more old fashioned...
Astounding the way you made the almost seamless transition from sucking up to flattering yourself.
My point was - quit being a WUSS and take the helm. IMO most males these days are whiny wusses and that is a HUGE turn off for women.
Women don't want a boy to coddle...that's what they want children for.
The words were hers, not mine....they were suprising but welcomed.
Did I find them complimentary? YOU damn right I do! - and proud that she thinks of me that way...

It's easy to be male, it's hard to be a man.
Theres a formula for all of this.


This shall answer all questions.
Originally posted by gn85girl

If I were you I wouldn't wish back the days that women needed a good man to survive, how do you think they chose their husbands- yes, Paycheck!



I don't make that much money,that's how I know.
They don't want to admit it.
yes. but at least back then women respected their husband. now, all the bit.ches do is run their mouth and tell you if you leave that they'll make you sell the car, you'll lose everything, never see the kids, etc.,etc.,etc. so you wonder why so many guys feel TRAPPED! just wish i'd have done what i wanted years ago. i'd be out by now on good behaviour!!;)
The thing with's like buying a used car..Some look great,much better than others,but it's what's inside that counts. Reliabilty,comfort,easy to get along with are great qualities in a woman or a car...And if there is beauty,well...that's all the better.
I'm married 30 yrs,met her at 18,I'm 50 now,and still love her,more than ever.. but i think i was very luck to pick the right one,the first time..
here is her pic...if they let me post it...she is 52 in this pic..
GN-ing you brought up a conversation i had once with a mutual friend that was a girl:p . She was very religious and wanted to keep herself clean until marriage. A lot of my friends would pick on her for it, but those were her values. She had a saying that would make my friends be quiet "Would you rather have a used car or a new car?" Well it came so that our friendship became alittle sour. So again the same conversation was brought up and the same quote was said. But then the @55hole light came on. I replied her new car/used car theory with "Well i would rather have a used Ferrari than a new Kia, especially when the new Kia has more test miles on it than the Ferrari has road miles." I thought all my friends were going to lose bowel control they were laughing so hard, she on the other hand didnt find it that funny.
I think the best response to that comment would be:

"Would you ever buy a car without test driving it?"

I know I wouldn't.

GN-ing, you are a lucky man to have such a good looking wife, especially at 52! I'd guess her at mid 30's, maybe even late 30's at the most!
Originally posted by turbosam6
I think the best response to that comment would be:

"Would you ever buy a car without test driving it?"

I know I wouldn't.

GN-ing, you are a lucky man to have such a good looking wife, especially at 52! I'd guess her at mid 30's, maybe even late 30's at the most!

Yeah...I am lucky..and she's into cars too..and doesn't even mind getting greasy once in a while..she helps me in the garage alot. A keeper!
Not ALL women bitch at thier men all the time. I also know that there are still those "ladies" out there who make good money themsleves and love men for who they are not for thier bank accounts. I am in no way saying women are ALL good -- I know some HORRIBLE women who are just "bitches" ... but don't worry, guys, there are still good women out there. PS Maybe try southern gals.
im gonna have to agree with alot of what shane said

being in the military I see so much downright evil tht women do to men its unreal.

They are capable of completely shutting off or divorcing their conscience from reality in a way that I have seen no man that wasnt a criminal do.

I think women, especially under 27 cannot be trusted to be genuine.

Round about 27-28 alot of them are hit with the "OMG I NEED TO FIND SOMEONE TO MARRY ME" and things change, then they become marraige hungry.

I think all of this is a modern development. I know my mom wasnt this way

Am I the only one who dreams of the 1950s woman to come my way?
Oh man, I forgot about this thread! Let the games begin!!!!

Countdown to when someone asks Doe Eyes for pics..... 3...2...1...
Add me to the list as well. ;)

I don't hate women. I guess i'm more just disappointed. It just seems that women are lacking any class at all lately. I don't understand what goes on in their head really. And I would normally agree that logically it takes 2 in a relationship. But basically all of the relationships i've been in have been broken up for either no reason, or that she cheated on me. And I mean no reason as in I asked why and she said "I don't know." WTF IS THAT! I'm talking a year and a half relationship was just thrown away recently and she was the same. I asked and asked and she tells me. "I don't know." I'm like damn I don't care why just give me a reason to your method of thinking. Honestly i've tried to find out and not ever her sister knows.

I've been through them all now. Younger girls. My age girls. Older Girls. Girls with kids. Girls without kids. More mature girls. Less mature girls. And they have all ended up the same way. Leaving for god knows what. Or cheating on me. Believe me if it was my fault i'd admit it. I just want to know what it is I did or didn't do that caused a break up. But every relationship I was ever in I told my friends (Girls and guys) about how I treated the girl and the things we did and what we talked about and even they can't understand it. I tell my friends because maybe they can figure out what I missed. But no dice!

I mean I don't want to stay single but it seems like my best choice. I spend alot of money taking them out to dinner, movies, buying gifts, vacations. The whole 9 yards basically. I treat them better than they've ever been treated. I guess maybe it doesn't get you anywhere to be good. All I ever cared for was to make the girl happy. I know girls that get slapped around, don't get a dime spent on them, get cheated on. And they stay with that guy till the day they die. Unbelievable.

From a money standpoint and emotional standpoint i'm better off alone for now. Or the occasional fling. I've thought I was in love quite a few times. I give up on love. Love is dead. It's unfortunate but it feels that way. But i'm only 24. I've got time to find the one. It's just frustrating when you want the one now. :(