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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
hello; I'm new to wearing glasses and I got those transitional lens. You know the ones that get dark if the sun is on them. Well I just found out they don't work thru a windshield as the WS blocks the UV light needed to get them dark.
I thought that sucked.
There's more than one type and a better one for driving.

What is the "Magic" of
Transitions lens technology?

Photochromic molecules are the "magic" technology inside each Transitions lens. As you experience different lighting conditions throughout your day, the molecules adapt by changing structure. This automatic change causes the lens to get darker, as well as return to be as clear as an ordinary, non-photochromic lens.
The molecules are triggered to change by exposure to specific wave-lengths of light. Original Transitions photochromic lenses are activated by UV light. This is why the lens activates when outdoors but not indoors. Transitions XTRActive lenses are activated by UV light as well as visible wavelengths of purple and blue light giving the lens slight activation indoors and increased activation behind the windshield of the car and even more activation outdoors.
The family of Transitions lens products continues to be the most advanced featuring photochromic lens technology and remains the best choice to improve vision by enhancing your ability to discern objects of varying size, brightness and contrast, giving you the gift of better sight everyday and in any light condition. "
my grandpa got some of those in the mid 80's.. he didn't like them because they took too long to go from dark to clear again.. i'd hope they are better now.
my grandpa got some of those in the mid 80's.. he didn't like them because they took too long to go from dark to clear again.. i'd hope they are better now.

Did the same thing, felt like I was blind going into buildings after being out in the bright sunshine, I just throw some clipons on my regular glasses when the sun bothers me.
hello; I just read that thing on the newer trans. lenses and I'm going to look into it. thanks. I did pass it on to a co-worker and he'd never heard of it either.
He has had the reg. trans lenses for like 5 yrs. and loves them.
I have had a few pairs over the years; the older ones (maybe 10 years ago) degraded over time. After having them for a few years, they always stayed slightly dark. I ended up throwing them out. My newer pair is much better. To be honest, I tend to wear my regular glasses and use clip-ons instead of wearing the transition lens glasses, but that's just personal preference.
Transitional lenses actually wear out over the years, they get less and less with changing.....and you think YOU have problems??!?!?! Try finding frames for contact lenses like I have been looking for!! I have beautiful contacts and NO FRAMES!! What's a guy to do??? So, I guess I'll have keep sticking them in my eyes.:rolleyes:

Bruce '87 Grand National