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gnx for sale 400orig. miles


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Active Member
Mar 30, 2006
400 miles all paperwork, book,jacket, tires, etc., climate controlled storage, museum quallity. Asking 92.5k. Send pm with phone # I will call you back. Please inquire if seriously interested only. Thank's, Nick.:) :)

Wow!!! Not one e-mail in regards to my gnx. Is the asking price too high? I thought I would offer it on a turbo forum first, I'm not trying to get rich, paid 84k commission incl. at Mecum last year. Car is 100% real deal, I am open to real offers.Only selling because of other interests. Don't let the current market fool you, not many low mile ones left without the 100+k price tag. Regards, Nick.:smile: :smile:
the market is slowing down... don't know how much longer the market is going to support those high prices on those GNX's..
No it is not that Nick.... but

The banks are not giving the money that sellers are asking .. anywhere near it..... and to top it off the GNX'S last year were priced closer to actual value..... now everybody wants to get on the band wagon and cash in.... it is not real estate and the cars are only going to demand what the buyer can pay ..remember this is a car not a asset like a home where it is a necessity..... 92k is equivalent to #4 2500 mile GN'S....the GN'S are now selling at a higher premium because the GNX'S with low miles are priced out of the market and out of 99% of buyer's budgets... a little while ago a man who lives In Florida was buying these cars at a very high premium and bought a lot of them... the problem was he had more money then he knew what to do with so he was paying a lot more then these cars were actually worth.... so this drove the market up like wild fire... everybody who saw a GNX selling for a lot of money thought their cars were worth the same.. well this man is no longer buying these cars and he is not interested in buying more from what I was told... so now GNX owner will be dealing with more average people looking for their dream car with a more average check book.... all in all.....if you paid the 84k you said you did... I hope you intended on keeping the car a long while to gain any investment benefits from it....
if you paid the 84k you said you did... I hope you intended on keeping the car a long while to gain any investment benefits from it....

YEP.. thats a 15 year investment if not more.. i don't want to keep saying it but i love how barrett jackson just F***S everything up for the little people.. i'll wait for the pricing to come back down to the 50 to 60 range for a low mile GNX.. trust me, the time will come again :smile:
This is a beautiful car !!! If I can move some money around I will probably be a buyer.

I don't think you'll find a 400 mile car for under 85K anymore. If you intend to keep a car like this, I think it's worth the money(or very close).


I have some nice trades for you :D

Sorry I haven't called......things have been a little hectic with everyone being sick at home.
ummmm if I am buying a $100k car I am not using a bank :rolleyes: to me cars like this are bought with "expendable income" :p IF you are using someone else's $$$ ...welllllll I wouldn't do it :rolleyes: the cars may stabilize but you won't loose $$$ on them ... personal opinion of course :eek:
400 miles all paperwork, book,jacket, tires, etc., climate controlled storage, museum quallity. Asking 92.5k. Send pm with phone # I will call you back. Please inquire if seriously interested only. Thank's, Nick.:) :)

sent u a PM
I agree, I would never use borrowed money to buy a collector car.

Exactly. If you have to go to the bank to borrow money for a collectible, you really shouldn't buy it.

As far as the market slowing down, I seem to remember the 800 mile car that sold on Ebay a couple weeks ago for $85K.
Exactly. If you have to go to the bank to borrow money for a collectible, you really shouldn't buy it.

As far as the market slowing down, I seem to remember the 800 mile car that sold on Ebay a couple weeks ago for $85K.
There's one for 80K or something now on ebay. But I think that got mixed his numbers up. Among other things, that one has 80,000 miles. I'd sooner pay 90 for a 400 mile version, that's a fact.:biggrin:

I agree with GRUMPY too... If you're buying a car like this, you should be doing it with money you already have. Borrowing is not only unlikely, but it's dangerous. The bank has no interest in them and therefore won't want to lend that much money, thinking if you default they'll never recover.
Exactly. If you have to go to the bank to borrow money for a collectible, you really shouldn't buy it.

As far as the market slowing down, I seem to remember the 800 mile car that sold on Ebay a couple weeks ago for $85K.


Do you remember how many miles were on the GN that sold in Arizona Barrett this year ?

Do you remember how many miles were on the GN that sold in Arizona Barrett this year ?

Jeff, miles aren't listed.

But here is description:
As a former Buick Dealer(retired in 1996 Niles Auto Co. Santa Rosa, Ca) In 1987 we had 10 GN'S in stock near the end of the model run. With no production in "88 they were a 'HOT' item and fast, so I kept one. One of my ace mechanics suggested Nitrous would make it really fast. I consulted with Buick engineers at Flint, MI. and had it installed. It's really fast! I've been the sole driver and never raced it! Freeway passing is quite a thrill though. We repainted the hood and deck lid. It has been garaged all the time.

Repaints and Nitrous. And it still brought $40K.

BTW, I don't know if I'll have shirt ready in enough time to ship to your house, still messing with getting logo just right, when you coming down?
Why does everyone keep using the "barrett JOKESON auction" as a table for what they're car is worth. If your not selling it at that BJ auction to those people with cash flying out of their pockets, you will not get the same kind of money in the regular market period. BJ is a joke.
Why does everyone keep using the "barrett JOKESON auction" as a table for what they're car is worth. If your not selling it at that BJ auction to those people with cash flying out of their pockets, you will not get the same kind of money in the regular market period. BJ is a joke.

Mach and I are both selling GN's at Barrett next week
Yes, you're going there to sell one. You'll get plenty for your GN and then some but i'm sure your intentions were not to go there and buy one at $10,000+ over the going rate on the regular market. But then again someone will buy your car for 50K.......... then everyone in the world with a GN will think they can get that kinda money.
Both you guys have super nice cars. Good luck with your auction. You should make a killing from some generous party.:D cha-ching $$$$$$
gnx for sale

people will pay what they can afford, period. If someone wants a low mile anything of collectable status incl. a GNX they will buy it. I didn't buy this to make hords of money, I bought it because I wanted one. Everyone will have an opinion of the market, but I feel my asking price is legitimate. I could go to B.J.and get 100+(maybe), IMO this type of car is worth 85k to 95k.:) :)
people will pay what they can afford, period. If someone wants a low mile anything of collectable status incl. a GNX they will buy it. I didn't buy this to make hords of money, I bought it because I wanted one. Everyone will have an opinion of the market, but I feel my asking price is legitimate. I could go to B.J.and get 100+(maybe), IMO this type of car is worth 85k to 95k.:) :)

Well said.