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GNX for sale!!


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You Have to be shi--ng me.Smoke some more crack :eek:
No wonder why some people are getting tired of seeing the prices go so high.I know its worth a great deal of cash but come on you can't even drive it and never enjoy it for that price.Just my .2 cents
Theres always a Dumb Mother Fck that will pay that much.....clowns.... :rolleyes:
YA that car is at Robert Buick in Danbury CT, I drive by it all the time.There is an old building that the dealershiip used to work out of,It sits in there under a cover with a few other classic cars
Totally Ridicoulous!!

Awesome car and all but jeez 100k I'm a die hard GN nut but I could buy a lamborgini for that! Maybe 2 that guy will never sell that Ridicoulous totally ridicoulous. :eek:
So, his wife tells hime to sell the GNX or else. He tells her he will put it on Ebay. Doesn't have to worry about anyone actually buying it. Cool!

I wonder how many miles it is to the gas station and to his house. So the parking lot must be next door. There should be plastic on the seats and dash for that price. I just wonder how can it only have 9 miles. Just my 2 cents.
BandAid said:
Theres always a Dumb Mother Fck that will pay that much.....clowns.... :rolleyes:

you know you could look at it this way, if someone pays that kinda smack for a gnx that only means the little brother 6 gn's arent far behind then all I will need is the winning #'s to the powerball or megamillions only then will life be complete :biggrin:

I wonder how many miles it is to the gas station and to his house. So the parking lot must be next door. There should be plastic on the seats and dash for that price. I just wonder how can it only have 9 miles. Just my 2 cents.

Richard clark in NC has one with 5 miles on it and it DOES have the plastic on the seats, the dash and the door panels. Its on rollers so he can roll it around if he needs to move it.
Wonder what it would go for :confused:
That is a high price for sure, but if he gets it, more power to him. It isn't any worse than the house I paid $179K for in 1989 being worth $745K now.
too much money going around

$100K is pocket change to some. Imagine spending millons buying a private jet. Opps......did I mean using it as a tax write off. ;)
the one guy that bid on the GNX has a lot of money just look at all the cars he has bought since Dec 05
Damn..... :cool:
its in texas now.....|39%3A1|65%3A12|240%3A1308&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245