GNX Wheels on eBay?

I have asked for more pics of the wheels(close up, back and offset #'s) and I still have not had a response.
The seller just updated his ebay listing. He calls people crazy and unrational who want to verify the authentisity of the GNX wheels. States that no rational person would look on the inside of the wheels for the markings and offsets. But I am sure when the wheels sell for 2,000.00 he wont call the buyer any names.
On Jan-08-07 at 11:57:37 PST, seller added the following information:
I have owned these wheels since 1988. In all that time, I have never cared what was on the back of them. Where rational people never look. Form,Fit and Function is all I cared about. So for those of you whos existance is meaningless without having numbers where no one will ever see them. Three more pictures. Two with your numbers, stamped in by some half in the bag baboon. You can now download them and do whatever you do with them. Just don't wake my kids. Happy Holloween.

Wow, I can not believe that was posted. The seller does not accept PayPal, so you have to send a check or money orders which is very risky. All people wanted to do was to verify if they were real GNX wheels.
NOS is what it is, verify and have proof or give it away...

Anybody with anything for sale and want top dollar will have description and photos... and more...

If I did not see numbers on the back of GNX rims or proof of actual real wheels... pass them by as FAKES, the net is filled with fakes and phonies... I am on the side of prove it...

GNX scammers are on the way out the door... bcuz I am bringing it all to the surface .:. 1987 BUICK GNX REGISTRY OFFICIAL WEB SITE.... As for money I'm not in it for that... look at and see how much it cost to enjoy... just gotta be a Buick (TTA) GN powered.

Be sure to check out for GNX video tours, gsnationals video coverage plus a few other videos from packer games, concerts, times at work (, life in Wisconsin and Bowling Green, KY ( Life is about "Balance" for me -- it seems between home and the Buick GS Nationals / GN's / GNX's / T's / TTA's ). I would gladly own 1 of each or several GNX's but I choose (LOL) to share them with all of YOU, so be kind to my cars, I can only drive one at a time + I can fit more friends in an Hummer Limousine... where drinking and driving (riding) is allowed...
Anyway to get GM's GNX master list of vin/turbo/intercooler numbers. I know of only 2 people that have it. If that was posted somewhere it would help cut down on clones and fakes that are being passed off as the real deal. It would not hurt anyone or put any GNX owner in jepordy. This info should be readily available.
I email the guy and asked him if I can take a look at them and he replied...."NO, I have a busy life." Like Tonyz said, this guy is an arrogant azzhole.
Wow, what a weirdo lol. Ok ok, 'eccentric'.. Geez. There are sure some odd people on this planet man....
Funny that he does not mention in his listing that the center caps are Kirban repro GNX caps. If you check his feedback he recently just bought them.
One of the keys to an auction that may contain fake items is the way the bids are listed, notice the bidders are numbered so no one can contact them and alert them of potential fraud. I asked him about the part numbers and if they were authentic, he got pissed and said grow up little boy. I told him to look in the mirror ass hole and maybe eBay would like the opportunity to check his auction for fraud. There was no comment.
One of the keys to an auction that may contain fake items is the way the bids are listed, notice the bidders are numbered so no one can contact them and alert them of potential fraud.

Ebay is now doing that with all listings to protect bidders.

To put it simple...sometimes people are not cut out for Retail...its tough!
Ebay is now doing that with all listings to protect bidders.

Not sure what you mean. Is eBay assiging numbers to bidders as they bid? I've been bidding on several items and I haven't seen that. Maybe something new?
I also contacted the seller, and he stated he was too busy to allow me to come over and look at the wheels in person prior to my placing a bid. I would stay away from these, as it appears he's trying to hide something.
guys I sent this to him, we'll see what happens.

"Are you 100% sure that these are correct GNX wheels.. They may be Kirban reproductions, which I believe were available in 1988 as you claim to have had these from. The caps you recently purchased in a prior auction, so they cannot be taken as originals and you have no right to represent them as such. These are $2000+ wheels if indeed correct, and you do not have any right to mis-represent them as something they are not. Post proper pictures, or ask someone on the boards to verify their correctness and list them correctly. If they ARE the originals you'll get more money out of them anyways, what do you have to lose? And if they are the wrong ones, you can relist them as reconditioned Kirban reproduction GNX wheels, and yes they do have the correct fit, form, and function for a GNX and someone might want them and be very happy with them exactly as they are.. If all you are worried about in life is scamming someone out of a fortune over a set of wheels you have some serious issues. There are red flags all over this listing, and no one in their right mind would ever want to bid on these without proper verification. Just so you know, if you are representing these wheels as correct and original GNX wheels without knowing for sure you are commiting fraud and it can be punishable by law if you proceed with the transaction with this knowledge. By not giving out information, you are making people not believe that they are correct and may be missing out on a golden opportunity. Again, do your homework, take good pics, and you might have something special.."

Do you think we need to report this guy to Ebay so that someone doesn't get scammed?? I have seen many scams on Ebay already, and this auction has all the tell-tale signs. If I had these wheels I'd be showing them off to everyone that wanted to see them and would spend the extra time getting proper verification, after all I'd be getting $2000 for them, or more! Since he is reluctant to answer we have to assume that they are not correct, don't we? And no offense to you California guys, but for some reason there are more scammers there than anywhere else...
Not sure what you mean. Is eBay assiging numbers to bidders as they bid? I've been bidding on several items and I haven't seen that. Maybe something new?

If you are not a bidder on an item it will display as Bidder 1 or Bidder 2 in the the order that you bid. Ebay did this because people were contacting the bidders and attempting to scam them.
"I also contacted the seller, and he stated he was too busy to allow me to come over and look at the wheels in person prior to my placing a bid. I would stay away from these, as it appears he's trying to hide something."

Are you serious? "too busy to check them out"?? Does he REALLY want to sell these or no??? How could you say "i want to sell this item...but you cant come see it though...."
It amazes me, how people like this make it past 5, without doing something incredibly stupid, and getting killed by natural selection.
I just cant figure out, how this many people have slipped thru the cracks, of the otherwise very successful process, that has kept this planet perfectly balanced for hundreds of thousands of years..... Im truly stumped..

And all your guys' posts about "we should turn him in"... To who.... Not that I dont agree with you but.. Who in the HELL, would give enough of a shlt, to care whether some dumb 20 year old car wheels were reproduction or not. Are you kidding me? I mean really now. Take a number and get in line. Who are you kidding. There would be literally THOUSANDS of cases on ebay ALONE, they'd have to investigate, if there was actually a division doing this sort of legwork... Thats like hunting down a car thief in brooklyn. Or a cop killer in detroit, or a certain latino gang member in east L.A.
There's probably no less than ten thousand auctions on ebay right this second going down, that are fraudulent. Right now. How do you supposed the investigator would assign precedence or priority to each case? I would think it would be maybe, by how many dollars he aims on cheating someone out of maybe? like, trying to sell a fiero with a ferrari bodykit as the real deal, for 95,000? I dont know... but at any rate, im almost positive, that the line is soo long, that anything under 5 grand would not only not be looked at, but would most likely just get thrown directly into the garbage can. It sucks too. The only thing we can do, is to stay on his back, and mail his bidders, and politely inform them, of this guys shady actions... I hate to see people get screwed. Especially another buick enthusiast.
Darwin is scratching his head. The ones that work hardest seem to be getting the short end of it these days. All of these scammers seem to be taking advantage of a lot of people who just don't know any better, but as Obi-Wan said, " Who's the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who follows him?"

We just need to use Darwin's theory against them and be smart enough to look through their lies and do our best to make sure they don't try to scam someone else who doesn't know any better.. Its good to see that you guys are as upset at this guy as I am..
His response, "No! I'm saying I wish you would have asked the questions early in the auction. You wouldn't? Or maybe you would, believe the absolutely stupid questions people have asked me in this auction. The number thing I still think is nuts but I can see what you guys are after. Hey I'm not in some club that worships these cars. I just like mine and drive it. I have no idea what hot button issues there are around them. I know what these cars are and aren't. The best car ever produced? I think not. I don't hink we have seen it yet myself. The obsession over the parts and numbers is crazy. There is a change comming on the horizon some will be ready and not caught over exposed with much of this.... stuff.... and others will. Just like the stock market. Thank You for the question I hope I answered it clearly"

He didn't answer anything about the correctness of these wheels and has the audacity to claim that he KNOWS what the market of these car will be in the future. First class moron!