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Gold & Silver


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I should have bought more today but hesitated. Silver is all I"m buying now. I got in at $24. See what happens Friday.
When I get in, you should all get out
Because I have that effect called THE BOTTOM FALLS OUT :eek:
This is strange to me. They say all the gold mined ever would fit into a big 66x66 cube or something like that.

I just don't see how it can be all that it is cracked up to be. If it was why wouldn't the richest of the rich already have bought it all...

I will be honest and say I wish I would have bought it when I heard it advertised at $700 an ounce. Now it is $1400+, that could have doubled my money in 3yrs:eek: They say it is going up to 5K+ or more. I just don't get it, if that is the case alot of really rich people are going to be stuck with dollars just like the regular folks like us...
Silver is where everyone is making money now. I bought at $24 around the 1st of the year. Two days ago it was at $37. Over a 50% return in just a few months. I really wanted to sell off my profit the other day but my wife is convinced it’s going up yet. It might drop of even stable but eventually its going back up again. So she says. I’m not sure what to make of it.
Silver was down to $34 this morning. Tough to get in at these levels especially Gold.

Most rich people are invested in dollars so not sure how much higher Gold can go.
I am in and out everyday. I buy and sell coins and bullion as a part time hobby-business. My gut instinct tells me it will hit 40 before it hits 20. What has me scared for people buying into it now is that when I hit the coin shows and coin shops I see that silver bullion is EVERYWHERE. Sellers are EVERYWHERE. When silver started to hit 20 an ounce there was little to be found and everbody was scrambling to attain it. There are some tough times ahead and this is totally a different market than 1980 when silver topped 50 bucks an ounce.
My wife and I have bought silver for the last few years and we have been happy with our returns!! :)
What is $1300 face value in 90% U.S. silver worth? It was about $5k in the mid 90's. I think I'm going to cash in.
Where are you guys puchasing the silver at? Brokers, online sites ect...
I'm still in. Even thinkin to buy some more silver, but I'm not going to buy before at least mid-May. I think it will go up pretty well in the next month and settle down again then. I'm in for the long haul, not speculating. I really think there's some profits to be taken in investing quickly and holding over the next 30-days though. It's got room to double again yet in another year or so I believe. But I'd sure like to hear more from gn1090ss.

I think you'd kick yourself next year bison.
If I calculate it correct that's just under $33k. Good Job.:)
Thanks. I only wish I had more $ back then. I paid $5150 for my first GN in 94. Silver has blown up in the last few years.
People who think it's just business as usual, and the economy is ever coming back, just don't have a clue. This is no accident. All the world's wealth is being stolen by a "chosen" few. The Dims and Republicans all work for the same orchestrators, and they sure don't give a damn about the people. That's what all of you don't get. We're headed in exactly the same direction (down the drain) as we were when I was permitted to express and explain my views in the political forum a few years ago. I sincerely hope the dollar doesn't collapse, but there will be no warning when it does, and it will. Your accumulated dollars will be worth zippo.
What is $1300 face value in 90% U.S. silver worth? It was about $5k in the mid 90's. I think I'm going to cash in.

As of today you should get 24.5 times face value. It melts at 26.90. that is the current buy-sell spread.
People who think it's just business as usual, and the economy is ever coming back, just don't have a clue. This is no accident. All the world's wealth is being stolen by a "chosen" few. The Dims and Republicans all work for the same orchestrators, and they sure don't give a damn about the people. That's what all of you don't get. We're headed in exactly the same direction (down the drain) as we were when I was permitted to express and explain my views in the political forum a few years ago. I sincerely hope the dollar doesn't collapse, but there will be no warning when it does, and it will. Your accumulated dollars will be worth zippo.

How do you know what we get or don't get? I remember reading your posts in past and I sided with you often.

Silver is at $36.01 now. My plan is also the long haul. Something to leave for the kids. We are defiantly in troubling times.