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Grand Am Gt Vs Buick


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New Member
Dec 17, 2004
You guys already know the outcome of this but let me tell you the story anyway. I have had my car for about 10 years and I really haven't driven it a lot in the last 5 years or so. I just had the tranny rebuilt and a few other needed repairs done to it and I just got it back. I came home this evening and decided I would get it out to go and get some gas. I live about 12-14 miles from the nearest gas station, so its a nice little trip. When I get into Troy Ohio I am on Main St. going through town. This road is two lanes each way. I am in the right lane and I am stopped by a red light. In the lane next to me a Grand Am stops and I can see the driver pointing to my car talking to his girl. The light turns green and we start moving with the traffic in front of us. He turns off and disappears. I continue on up Main and check out the gas prices. I finally turn around and head back down Main and pull into the Meijer gas station to fill up. I look over while im filling up and see the Grand Am 2 rows over. He finished filling up about 30 seconds before I do and starts his car up as I'm putting the cap on.When he starts his car he has the gas to the floor to let it rev. He pulls out and gets stopped by the light. I get in my car and proceed to the light and get behind him as we pull back out onto Main. I am behind him at this point. I get a good look at the cars rear end. It was gold, had dual fart cans, huge amounts of ground effects with bird screen type material in the gound effect "vents??" His tag said "WRP II" I don't do anything at this point I take it easy as we have to go through a bunch of red lights. I take it easy so much that two cars get in between the two of us, but later on turn and I'm right back behind him. We are in the right lane. Getting close to the square in town I get over in the left lane to head straight out of town and that is when he pops in behind me.
He is right on my bumper. Just before you get out of town there are two more stop signs. I would stop. Ease out, and about 15 MPH punch it to let the tires break loose. I stopped at the second stop sign and here he comes right up to my bumper. So I do the same thing at the second stop sign. At about 50 I let off and he catches up to me and gets on my bumper again. As we hit the 55 MPH zone there is a car in front of me. We went a good 2 miles before I was able to pass. When I passed I got the speed up to about 115. Then I slowed down as there was another two cars in the distance. He passed at the same time but couldn't keep up.I watched as his headlights came up on me again. All of a sudden the two cars turned off and it was wide open in front of me. I eased down on the gas and watched as his headlights pop up from him doing the same thing. I saw his headlights get real small again and I let off this time about 125 or so. I kept watching and this time he didnt keep into it to catch up, he turned around in a driveway and headed back to town. I know this may not be an exciting story to you guys, but to me this was pretty exciting since it had been 5 years or more since the last match. If his car is "WRP II" my Buick was "WRP X"!!:D :D These cars are truly amazing even when they aren't heavilly moddified. I am very proud to own one of these cars! Thanks for reading! Hope it didn't bore you too much!
Well I think it is a cool story, even if you didn't race a Viper :-)

I NEVER get races so I am envious. There is something gratifying about running somebody who is so outwardly arrogant about their car.

What mods have you done to the GN?
I was sure that if I raced myself against both cars the buick would win. The Grand Am GT is a peppy car, but not in the same league as the GN.

Good Kill