i had a crazy thought. you know how everytime there is a grand national on tv or a movie not only do they usually change their appearance (for the worst) but they always mess up the sound. Yes you can argue v8 sound better and thats why they did it, but I dont really but it because the v8 sound bits they use suck. Heres the crazy idea....
what if there is always someone on the inside acutally looking out for us. Making sure its a v8 sound bite being used instead of the turbo v6, in order to help us keep our little secrets and keep the dummies confused and still keep em asking if "man what kind of v8 is that" or the famous nice monty quotes. i just wonder sometimes, but maybe someone out there in the show biz world is putting the v8 sound bites on purpose to give us a cover. Its a nice thought, better then they do it on purpose because 'they' think it sounds better. But the v8 sounds they use suck anyways imho.
it was still a clean a$$ buick, looking tight!