GS Nats Video Preview... Check it out!

Hey gnflyby, looks like you did it again. It looks like your best work yet. You know I want one. I just sent you an email. :D
Re: what is on the 4 videos

Originally posted by puddin power
what is on the 4 oringal videos whats on it

Hey AJ, it was nice talking to you. If you have any other questions please feel free to call or email me back. Thank you for your interest, Nelson Febus aka GNflyby. :)
Originally posted by 49-blues
You dont accept paypal?

Sorry no I don't, I had PayPal and I don't want to knock them but I had a very bad expirience with them, and I just don't want to go thru that again so I no longer use them. Now... I've been using Stormpay for about three years and I've never had a problem.
They're Free just like PayPal, only a little nicer. :) Thank you for your interest, Nelson Febus aka GNflyby. :)
Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
Hey Nelson,THeres no delivery yet:D

Hey Otto, sorry bout that... I got tied up making a website for the new DVD. But I will pass by your house tomorrow and make a personal delivery. I will bring my camera and maybe I could get some footage of that great machine of yours.

You have a good night pal and I'll see you tomorrow, Nelson aka GNflyby. :)

P.S. AJ from TN called me and he wanted me to say hello to you for him. Cool Kid!
Originally posted by DCEPTCN

Hey buddy, I was able to get your order out today. :) I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it. As always thank you for your continued support, your pal, Nelson Febus aka GNflyby. :)

P.S. I will email you your delivery confirmation number.
Nelson dropped one off yesterday,Pretty damn good for a first timer i must say.
I was dissapointed that there was no coverage of my car,with the exception of the night pass that was to dark to see
Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
Nelson dropped one off yesterday,Pretty damn good for a first timer i must say.
I was dissapointed that there was no coverage of my car,with the exception of the night pass that was to dark to see

Thank you for your kind words Otto, I really appreciate it. I'm sorry I did not get your car in the video but there was so much going on that it was hard to tell the players apart. But what I did get was some much needed experience, having said that, I have plans of buying two more cameras for a total of three cameras running for the next GS Nats, and it is my intention to make the ultimate video of these magnificent cars. Thank you all for your continued support; you will never truly know what it means to me, Nelson Febus aka GNflyby. :)
did you get ahold to paul

did you get to tlak to paul yet about the video if sow when is he going to send it
hey nelson i have a idea for the video to help you sel more

put some video clips of the dvd to show them what the videos look like sow you can sell more then ever