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GTech Performance Meter


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New Member
Apr 22, 2003
Just a question, has anyone use these Meters in there cars and are they worth the money. They say it will measure horsepower. 0-60 mph, 1/4 mile speed within1/100 of a second. Sounds like the old snake oil sale's men trick??????????:cool: :cool:
They are pretty close at the track by a couple tenths. For 40-sumthin bucks on eBay, its pretty cool ;)
yes, extremly accurate and fun to use. Id recommend ne if ya score one off of ebay like a lot of us did for $35.
Yes, I've got one, just follow the instructions and you'll get accurate readings. The quarter mile mph will be higher than at your local 1/4 mile track(more accurate). The only downside is the lack of torque measurement; and the horsepower measurement(with my Buick, anyway)isn't consistent. It's a lot of fun.
Originally posted by FlyinGN
yes, extremly accurate and fun to use. Id recommend ne if ya score one off of ebay like a lot of us did for $35.
Look over their website first before you buy from eBay. Check out the bulletin board. I didn't go over it in detail but there was a link to it from one of the road race/import BB that there is some calibration issues with them. Check this out
Click on forums.

I used one at the track back in nov. G-tech said 12.84 at 114 mph. Track time slip said 13.06 at 110.75 mph. I think they are best for tunning and seeing the gains you make. Still very close for the money. Todd.
The g-tech is an excellent tuning tool. As stated, it will mph higher than what you would see at the track because the track averages the last 60 feet or so of your run. The g-tech will record your actual speed. It is fairly accurate as far as the 1/4 et. The horsepower option is hit or miss. I wouldn't put alot of faith in it being that accurate. Where it is an awesome tuning tool is in the mph. You can make changes to your car and if your mph goes up, you did something right. So long as you don't have knock. Don't focus too much on the 1/4 time as et is a product of good traction and suspension. MPH doesn't lie. If you have the bucks, get the newer version. It does more and it has an 1/8 mile option. For me, it is a hell of alot easier to find and run an 1/8th safely as opposed to running out the 1/4.
Amen to that....ive had my GTech for some time now and still haven't had one damn 1/4 mile run. Just no where to do it!!! One of these days I'll put it to use.
i have one, its not really 100% accurate but it is consistant. thats all that really matters. the only 2 complaints i have are its hard to input the weight if you want hp, you have to tilt it up, and it always comes off the windshiled on me and i have to stick it back up and re-align it. and having to stop, take it off and stick it sideways to get cornering g's, its just inconvient...

but overall i'm very happy with it.