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Happy Birthday Rich Rezes(aka Buicksx2)


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A$$ deep
May 23, 2001
Happy 40th you old Goat:D :D . Hope all is well & you get your new turbo...

Hopefully the Banchee boys Or the kenilworth mauler don't "TICK" this thread:D :D :D ..........


Rich,ya young fart you,happy birthday guy.
Watch out for Artie P.
Now he'll be looking to run you down[old guys don't move so fast you know].:D
Happy Bday Rich! You are officially over the hill:D

Hope you have a good one and age like a fine wine (keep in mind when wine gets too old it turns into vinegar):eek: ;)
1963 was a good year!!

Have a great one Rich!

BTW, do you ever get used to the smell of freeze-dried instant coffee?:D :p :D :p
Happy Birthday Rich!!
I know some 12 year olds with more hair than you.:D
Happy Birthday Rich!

You're the youngest 40 yr old i know ;) Whats the secret to staying so young? It must be the powerade, playing hockey and running the tolls on the parkway ;)
Hi Folks,

Thanks much for the Birthday wishes it is much appreciated from this old

Couple things tho..........

1. JRSGN aka Platehead: Good to see you have a vast knowledge and have links to pee pee pumps....sure these links are all saved in your favorite places.

2. Radius Kid: Thanks for the well wishes.....Artie will never catch me trust me.........fat kids like me just roll down the hill

3. 86brick: Thanks and I am well past vinegar, think I am turning into the spit Platehead spits into discarded old Pepsi

4. ttypewe4jim: Thanks

5. troGNman aka Chuck: Thanks and get used to it but at least it smells better than Platehead.

6. Ed Baker: Yes and ready for AARP......ya see we just got a new Medicad program today to help offset all my costs of prescription

7. Herbie.......oh Herbie: Any truth to the rumor you were the paperboy at the Neverland Ranch? Supposedly rumor has it Jacko had a thing for fair skinned Harry Pottered lookalikes. Thanks for the well wish....Now respect your elders.

8. Travis: Thanks and thanks for not picking on fArtie and Led

9. Otto: Infants 12 hours old have more hair than me:)

Thanks's 8:52pm.......gotta go to bed now:D
Happy 40th

I remember being 40.... Rich, it's down hill now....

* losing your hair
* glasses
* you get the idea


I remember being 40.... Rich, it's down hill now....

* losing your hair
* glasses
* you get the idea



>>>> Yes Art, But the Problem with Rich's case that all happened when he turned 20......
The Big belly part @ 24....

Wheres fArtie???
Wheres fArtie??? [/B]

>>> Breaking in the new sheets you bought........think you know what I mean.........I heard he was cold cause you didnt buy a comforter;)
Maybe someday i can become a member of the JCC race team. I believe Jim is no longer a member. Isnt there a rule that your car must make a least ONE outing per year to stay in good standings?;)
>>> Breaking in the new sheets you bought........think you know what I mean.........I heard he was cold cause you didnt buy a comforter

>>>> Well then give him a kiss for me cause the new sheets were for your house since I wrecked the other ones :eek: :eek: .

Happy Birthday BUDDY...
Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
Maybe someday i can become a member of the JCC race team. I believe Jim is no longer a member. Isnt there a rule that your car must make a least ONE outing per year to stay in good standings?;)

>>>> Otto,

You are right....Jim is very close to being thrown out as he did not take one 1/4 mile pass this year and part of our bylaws is you must take at least one pass a year.

It for reasons like the above that forced us to throw out members years ago and they know who they are.

The JCC race team and board of advisors is reviewing Jim's status as we speak and a ruling will be had soon. Will probably be an opening and we'd be happy to have ya Otto........cause you race, am faster than Jimmy, and your work wont fall apart if you arent there EVERY saturday cause 2 more leaves fell on the ground and all the people at the CT boys school will panic if theres a leaf on their grounds.
And my car is being worked on this winter also to become faster, Well that if Jim can ever get up here with his engine hoist, TOnights excuse "gotta help grandma move furniture" :p

THat probably just another excuse for him having to work late cleaning up some kinda dance or carnival or something.