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Happy Birthday to Charlie, Ed Valvo, Rick, & GNbooster87:


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Gary Wells

White turbo Buick trailer park trash
Mar 2, 2002
Happy Birthday to all: Charlie, (carlsbadGN), gnbooster87 (whoever that is), Ed Valvo (S.F. Bar area), Rick Pelegrin (SLOWSIXER). Oh, Ziggy (marred4life) too. Best Wishes for many more to come.
happy birthday all!!!!!!

hope they are safe and enjoyable!
Thanks Gary, after this one, I'm switching over to every other year for birthdays :biggrin:.
I don't know what happened to the South Western section participation, everybody must be pizzed at me for something, and taking it out on you guys. Oh well sorry guys.
Happy birthday to all, and to all a good night.
I believe yesterday was the birthday of our resident man pleaser, Ledzeppac, as well.

Happy Birthday, Phil.
I believe yesterday was the birthday of our resident man pleaser, Ledzeppac, as well.

Happy Birthday, Phil.

Phil's (ledzeppac's) actual BD is listed as 09-06-XXXX, his last activity shown on the forum was 04-01-2008, his last post was 03-05-008, & his last post in the Southwestern Section was 03-04-2008. As much as I feel bad about not wishing Phil a Happy BD, I would feel worse for the peeps that did wish him a Happy BD & he did not come on the forum to thank them for remembering him. I am sure that Phil is happier where he's at, and that his new forum "homies" wished him a Happy BD. I try and make time to remember & post all Southwestern Section member's BD's that I am aware of and / or have access to so that their friends, relatives, & peeps can help them celebrate their special day. I openly encourage the BD recipient to come back on the forum to thank all of the peeps that wished him well. It's a 2 way street, and I don't want to see either end short changed. I also try and support the peeps & members that support the forum by posting, especially the South Western section & the new San Francisco bay area section. Just my $.02 worth, and that's before taxes, too.
I tried to think of a reason to be pissed at you.....but I've failed.

So...Happy Birthday, guys!
I tried to think of a reason to be pissed at you.....but I've failed.

So...Happy Birthday, guys!
I try to do my best to equally infuriate everybody to the same degree so that there can be no call for unfairness or prejudicial impartiality. You mean that I have failed at that too?
I try to do my best to equally infuriate everybody to the same degree so that there can be no call for unfairness or prejudicial impartiality. You mean that I have failed at that too?

So far, you have failed to turn a mean chicken into and angry fowl.