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Here are the numbers after cleaning the UP pipe and the throttle body:

At hot idle:

bL = 129
RPM = 775
tPS = .42-.44 at idle WOT = 4.30 engine off, key on
IAC = 16

What is the best way to get tps for WOT at 4.6-4.8?

Anything else diagnostic that you guys are looking for?
Those numbers look good. Is 4.30 without a mat in the way? Always check that.

Yes, the mat was pulled.
Ok. If you want to adjust the WOT TPS you go forward toward the front of the car. Up and down adjust the idle setting.

HTH Jason
Go forward toward the front of the car with the top or the bottom of the tPS unit or both?
Go forward toward the front of the car with the top or the bottom of the tPS unit or both?
Shove the whole thing forward. You really need someone else in the car so you dont have to tighten, loosen, tighten, loosen blah blah. Just have him/her put the pedal to the floor then when it gets above 4.50 tighten it down. Then check the idle as it will change too. Be careful as it is plastic.

HTH Jason