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Heater core replacement


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Sal Lubrano

Active Member
Apr 26, 2002
I am in the process of putting everything back together but got all the screws confussed. I am trying to follow the procedure on gnttype but still confussed. Can someone help me. I also have two 1/4 scews with no points. where do they go?
Heater core: 1.2 includes re-installing radiator cap.

Put the work order on my box, I'll get to it next. By the way, I'm flagging the whole ticket.

Just kidding, couldn't resist. Look for empty holes for the screws. they sound like the ones that hold the resistor block in place on the side of the evaporator case, though I can't imagine why you would remove that. Maybe they hold down the top screen or windshield trim or high blower relay or blower motor or ground strap or

Good luck.
I know where all the holes are. Just don't know which go where. There are many different types of screws. Some with points some without. Some #7's some 1/4 ".Why couldn't GM just use one or two different types.
First rule of thumb when working on stuff is to have a clean flat surface to put parts on you take off.

Put all the same screws together from each part, and if it's a panel or large part that may have different screws arrange them on the clean surface like how they came off, same pattern.

Possible locations for those screws COULD be the high speed blower relay, or perhaps the windshield washers.

I always blame the metric system for the different screws. :p