help!!!trouble codes24,42,55 what does it mean


New Member
Apr 30, 2003
ok i hooked up my DS and these are the trouble codes that came up24 42estmonitor fail, 55 ecm analog/digital converter faileur do any of these things have anything to do with my car not starting. i had the battery checked and its good radio windows everything works the car just wont turn over. i turn the key and nothing not a peep from the engine.
could be a couple things. first, the stupid stuff. Is the car all the way in park? I know that when some of these cars get old, the safety switch wears out and you might have to slam the shifter up into park real good, or push it up into park while you try to start it. Also, try starting the car with the shifter in neutral. If it starts in nuetral, then your neutral safety switch is bad. Next, check your fuses and relays, make sure that one didn't blow out. Then, check your conections to the starter. Are they loose? The ground for the starter can sometimes work itself loose. If that stuff is ok, try getting under the car and WHACK the hell out of the starter with a hammer, then try to start it up. If it starts after this, you need a new starter. If it doesn't start up after this, whip out your battery charger or jumper cables and apply direct power to the terminals on the starter. If it starts up then, you may have a bad ignition switch or wire between the ignition and starter. If nothing happens when you hook to the starter - it is fried. That should cover it:D
Go to and look for the trouble code reference guide. This will tell you what all codes mean. Basically your codes mean:
24-Vehicle speed sensor
42-Ignition circuit open or grounded
55-ECM prom error
I could see how code 55 may keep the car from running, but not from starting. My g/f's car shows 42 all the time and starts fine. 24 wouldn't cause it not to start either. I had my car die once. It turns out the fusible links on the starter kept blowing..for some reason. Of course, the whole car was dead when this happened.I would check the starter first. Like he said, hit it with a hammer. It doesn't have to be real hard. After hitting it a few times, try it. If it cranks then the starter is going fast. a new one is only about $35 or so. Not real bad to put on either. I hope you get it going man.

Did you have your ecm mod. at the same time as installing DS?
My son is getting these same codes with his new mod. ecm and ds. Can/t clear them out. If ecm is mod. who did it?