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SignUp Now!I kind of dont think its the tcc, It runs ok when the rpms are up and as soon as they drop down, for what ever reason, stop light, stop sign ao traffic it stalls. But only when I have been driving it for an half hr or so. Not all the time just when its hot. I also tried to put it in nuetral and it still stalls like there is just no spark, I pull over when it does stall and try to restart it and it doesnt start, Just like there is no spark, There is fuel in the rails, I touch the moduel and it is scorching hot. I Pop the hood and let the engine cool for 5-10 mins and it fires back up and im good for another lil bit until it gets warm again, ???From what I read, the car dies when you are coming to a stop after the car is fully warmed up. It does not do this until the car is not fully warmed up.
It starts back up and it runs fine, it's just that as you come to a stop, it dies? If this is correct, then try shifting to neutral as you come to a stop and see
if it stays running in neutral. If it does, what you have is the transmission torque convertor clutch, or TCC solenoid hanging up and stalling the motor
by keeping the lockup clutch engaged. It's like bringing a manual transmission car to a stop without depressing the clutch.
It may die as you put it back in gear so be prepared for that.
After market TCCs are available and are not too hard to change but you have to drain the trans to get to it.
I'm not trying to steal this from anyone but im very interested, i've done the no start tests and it all points to a bad module, if you have one availabe please message me, i will need to get one or switch to the 86/87 module, because im not sure if this is my problem id rether just go with an 84. Im a bit confused because my snapon scan tool reads no communication. Ive recently replaced my ecm and so im not sure whats going on. I replaced my caspars cs sensor with the light because it wasnt flashing with a stock one that was working when i replaced it with the caspars cap. now ive done the tests and im hoping its the module. if you or anyone else has one Please let me know. Thanks so much, if anyone else has an idea please chime in. P.s. someone from Tacoma Wa messaged me and was cool with there offer to help with my header issue. I thoughtI messaged him back but never got a reply. If you read this send me another message, Id like to talk. Thanks again.You need to make sure it's an 84-85 modual or an 86-87 modual. I've got an 84-85 modual looking for a new owner if you can use it.![]()
Sweet I will make the paypal transaction today and much appeciatedShipped today ( Coil and Module)
Check your PM
I'm not trying to steal this from anyone but im very interested, i've done the no start tests and it all points to a bad module, if you have one availabe please message me, i will need to get one or switch to the 86/87 module, because im not sure if this is my problem id rether just go with an 84. Im a bit confused because my snapon scan tool reads no communication. Ive recently replaced my ecm and so im not sure whats going on. I replaced my caspars cs sensor with the light because it wasnt flashing with a stock one that was working when i replaced it with the caspars cap. now ive done the tests and im hoping its the module. if you or anyone else has one Please let me know. Thanks so much, if anyone else has an idea please chime in. P.s. someone from Tacoma Wa messaged me and was cool with there offer to help with my header issue. I thoughtI messaged him back but never got a reply. If you read this send me another message, Id like to talk. Thanks again.
Vaporlock - Most likely "No"Vaporlock????????????????????????crankshaft sensor???????????????
The car needs to cool down before it will start again, maybe like 2 mins then it starts up and runs rough for a few seconds, then the rpms go back to 1200. I am not firmilar with the term closed loop. I will see what the fuel pressure does when it dies on me today, would you recommend changing my fuel press regulator and would the 84 MAF work with the 86 ECM? thanks jerrylYou have replaced most of the critical items. (Did not re-read the whole thread.)
There are a few questions left:
Does this happen when the car goes into closed loop?
When the car stalls, does it loose spark, injector pulse, or FP?
Does it start right away, or does it need to cool down?
The car needs to cool down before it will start again, maybe like 2 mins then it starts up and runs rough for a few seconds, then the rpms go back to 1200. I am not firmilar with the term closed loop. I will see what the fuel pressure does when it dies on me today, would you recommend changing my fuel press regulator and would the 84 MAF work with the 86 ECM? thanks jerryl
when it cuts out it stumble's and has irattic idle and just dies, its not like shutting the key off, When I did the iac reset I took the throttle body off and cleaned the IAC very good, couldnt get the rpms that low only like 800-900rpms, when i was done setting the perimeters in the tps it surged up and down for a minute then stayed at a constant idle. Ran great with the rpms at 800-900 rpms, until i got home then stumbled and died. I will check to see if the grounds under the ac comp are clean and tight. Also I tested my old module , it failed, And got a module off of Esasky from this forum and just put it on after I got it assuming that one worked, took it off today got it tested and that also failed. I have a 86-87 that passed so I will order a caspers adapter and plate to compete the conversion to see if that helps, For the conversion is the 86-87 module, coil, ecm, caspers adapter and plate all that is needed or do I have to upgrade the MAF to the LT1 with a translator aswell??? thanks man much appreciated84 MAF should work with the 87 ECM for the sake of the diagnostics. You may also have god success with it.
Closed loop is when the ECM controls fuel via the feedback it gets form the O2 sensor, when the engine reaches a certain temp as set in the chip.
When it cits out, is it like turning the key . . . . or???
At this point, I am thinking . . . . maybe you are loosing power to the ECM and it is resetting. The ECM looses track of the IAC and it idels high . . . but it should come down faily quick. . . . . So there may be multiple issues left to resolve.
Were you able to get the car to idle at 500 RPM when resetting the IAC? If you were, The IAC may be sticking/dirty.
Are the ground cables under the AC compressor tight and clean?
Once it stalls, if it does not start when you try to restart, pull a plug wire and see if you get spark.