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Glad your finding stuff..

I havent bought a new one yet :( , Ive been going to the u-pull-it junkyard and getting them there for a couple bucks. GM emmissions stuff is pretty much generic. Look for mid/latter 80's GM vehicles, you'll find them. NA cars cant blow them out.. turbo cars with bad check valves, certainly.

Sorry I couldnt come up with a GM #.. I just havent bought one from the dealer yet :D
does this solenoid just pull out or do you have to twist it?On the cars you've fixed with leaking plenum or tb gaskets is there anyway to determine that is where the problem lies before removing it?
The selenoid latches in, if you look carefully you will see the two clips that hold it on. Kinda rock it back and forth. While pulling upwards.

As the gasket question.. I replace them. On the cars that have had bad ones, I tried the carb cleaner, propane, etc.. no changes so I ASSUMMED they were ok.. well when come to find out they werent.. boy was I PO'd.. The plenum gasket gets full of oil..but most likely the TB vacuum block gasket.

Lot of hit or miss.. I hate this problem..some cars in an hour..bam its done.. Others..I've spent 6-8 hours tracking stuff. even more sometimes. No cut dry answer finding a breach in your air tract.

You still could have a bad MAF, hole in the IC, cracked header, I mean any hole that breaches the air will cuase an issue on a car that runs a MAF sensor.

Start on the cheap, work your way torwards the expensive. Vacuum hoses, AC PCV, little gaskets, check valves..are all cheap. Change them now..or change them latter. yeah I know it sucks.. what can I say, thats why its called work.


Julio to tell if ic has a hole and what to do to fix it?Well I may have had a small break thru,can spray starter fluid towards bottom of plenum near back of tb and engine speeds up slightly.Replaced vac block gskt yesterday and a couple of the vac block hoses,the ether would speed up motor pretty good when sprayed onto vac block.When I removed it it was full of starter fluid,so must've been leaking pretty good.I'm still digging!!!!:D
Good luck..I know what your going through..

Remember to reset the ecm everytime you do a change to see if the condition clears up..and you have to wait for it to relearn..

IC can only checked by a radiator shop, they pressurize it under water and look for bubbles.

Dont assume the worst.. be careful with the vacuum hoses, the way they push onto fittings, their condition etc.