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Holley HP EFI + Cruz Harness Install


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Sorry I haven't been on the boards much, but yeah the Holley HP should be good enough. If you run more systems, like you want CO2 for boost control on two solenoids and dual alky injection etc, then yeah, go Dominator. But most Buicks the HP is plenty.

The other thing, any issues you run into in general you can surf the Holley forums (everyone is Turbo LS these days). I'm on the Holley EFI facebook page and it's neat to see what other guys are doing and get ideas. The 12 inch pro dash is pretty awesome, probably my next mod.

You also would benefit from the little 3.5 inch touchscreen dash at a minimum. The laptop is just a pita to lug around tuning on test drives. The Pro dash would be ideal I think.

No Problem, Thanks for replying.

How's the driveability now that you've driven it for a while?

Are there any other owners of this new system on here? I can't find any actual driving testimonials here or on You tube. There is one guy on YT, but he just keeps talking about installing it but I can't tell if he ever did or not.
No Problem, Thanks for replying.

How's the driveability now that you've driven it for a while?

Are there any other owners of this new system on here? I can't find any actual driving testimonials here or on You tube. There is one guy on YT, but he just keeps talking about installing it but I can't tell if he ever did or not.

I had a long winter and have only made a few runs to the store the past couple of weeks. But last summer I ended up tuning on the highway getting rock solid AFR's 14.5-14.7. If I tuned it to cruise leaner it really didn't like it, 15.0+ it just didn't have the torque at light throttle. A hair under or at 14.7 was where it was happy. I do have a slight tip in stumble at idle right now when its first fired up and cold. Could be the gas that sat all winter in it with seafoam and stabil pump 93 E10. I'll just play with the afterstart and maybe explore the temp ramp. There are so many options to look at, but I just dig up some Holley EFI forum posts and see what other guys do. I think I have my base fueling a bit too lean way down low and then the temp table and afterstart might be trying to add too much fuel and then all that combined just makes it hard to adjust on the fly. But its pretty easy to tune, and the changes are instantaneous.

I love the hot bubble where the holley shows you want cells from the base fueling etc it is pulling from. Makes it easy to look at when tuning part throttle usage so you know where to add or remove fuel vs letting it learn.
One of the bonuses to the Cruz harness is the ends are just a bit longer than stock, ie, that makes the starter wires way easier to put back on.
Just did some tuning, so easy. Turns out last summer I must have changed way too many cells to 14.7 target AFR, which crossed the startup and idling around the driveway cells. Base fuel seemed good, but when the AFR was too lean, it would surge lean rich lean rich as well as rpm when it did that. So I reset those cells to target 13.5 like I used to, and then blended 13.8 - 14.0 to 14.7. Runs perfect now again. Holley rocks!
Very cool!

Please try to keep this thread updated as you go.

Not a lot of info for the buicks out there.
I'm hoping to get some track time to see what it does on just low boost and pump 93.
So here, we can see cruising at fixed throttle 55mph or so, and its pulling -10% fuel to hit the target AFR. This tells me (I think) to adjust the base fueling so it doesn't have to correct so much. But it drives perfectly fine letting it use the learning.

Haven't had much to report on. Haven't had to tune on it, just been driving it. Only issue with the car was the E2 catch can was full of oil after a couple months of street driving. Mostly oil, some sludge/condensation fall out. Specs say it was 11 oz if it fills up with oil/sludge.
I did one a couple of weeks ago for local guy. TA motor, E85 and 160 injectors.
Took about 5 minutes to get it to idle at 900 rpm with Ac on.
Drove it around town for an hour after the install and it was almost flawless.
His biggest concern was driveability and it runs and idles like a stocker.
You can pull up learn table and see where and what it is correcting.
Either adjust base fuel to get it closer to zero or you can transfer the learn to the base fuel map.

So here, we can see cruising at fixed throttle 55mph or so, and its pulling -10% fuel to hit the target AFR. This tells me (I think) to adjust the base fueling so it doesn't have to correct so much. But it drives perfectly fine letting it use the learning.

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Right you can just transfer learning table adjustments to the base table super easily. Since I have a hilly neighborhood, I don't do that since the engine loading varies wildly going up and down hills and I manually tweak the light load base fueling cells.
All my pics are gone, ok so maybe I can restart a thread and link to my website vs embedding. Anyways, I haven't had to post much as the Holley HP and Cruz harness is rock solid. Just fire it up and drive it. Now, I did tune it, lowered the AFR around town cruising to 13.5-13.8-14.2 instead of 14.7.

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I enjoyed reading through your thread. Do you by chance have a photobucket or facebook with the pictures you took along the install? Going to be installing one of these on my 87 Ttype very soon.