What would a reasonable price be for an NOS Hood Ornament? The one found on a 87 T. I know they are discontinued and hard to find, but are they becoming valuable? I have several and want to know if I should hang on to them.
I think I paid $100 for one on EBAY... Had to have it! I think Poston's is offering a reproduction for the earlier T Type models. Probably not too long before someone makes one for the 86/87's.
Personally, If I was finishing a nice restoration, I would buy NOS.
A daily driver would get the used or repro. And thats cool. There are allot of good used parts still out there.
E-bay does seem to be the answer, but I doubt if I would sell these (NOS) for less than $150.00 each. I will wait for awhile until the demand is there and like you said: Someone has to have it. Thanks for your input.
FYI all of the turbo ornaments use the same top piece( the stand up part thats says turbo) only the bases are different. I picked up a NOS one from a 78-80 and swapped it on a newer base. Picked it up cheap because no one wanted it because it didn't fit the 84-87's. Eric Fisher