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Hooker headers 86-87


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Sep 20, 2012
I just bought these from a member on here. (they just came today). but because of the damage to me and my family property from the hurricane I am unable to afford upgrades for my car right now. so I will be sticking with my stock exhaust setup.
these are used but still look good. they have some minor blemishes but are not cracked or anything. they are being sold as is and without any gaskets or bolts. pretty much what you see in the pics is what you get.
im not looking to make any money off these I just want back what I have into them



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Im not 100% sure on the terry houston downpipe but I believe so. Maybe someone can chime it on this question
Yes. They will fit. I'm running the same setup. Hooker headers with a Terry Houston downpipe.
Been running Hooker headers w/ THDP on my car for 10+ years w/ no problem, other than occasionally needing to tighten the bolts on the cupped flanges to eliminate exhaust leaks. They're definitely an improvement over the stock manifolds and for the price he's offering I'd jump on them.
How much shipped and Paypal'd to PA zip 17509?
im getting $23.70 for shipping. and $7.19 for pp fees
so you are looking at $210.89. if there is any leftover shipping money it will be returned to you. I dont charge for packing or to take it to the post office
My stock drivers side header is cracked as seems to be the norm. I am interested in these, but just dont have all the cash
If he will take the drivers side I need the passenger side and cross over as some idiot welded mine together
im sorry guys but due to the damage that my family sustained from the recent hurricane. money is very tight and im not gunna be able to hold "dibs" on these for anyone. 1st one who pays me gets them...sorry no disrespect inteneded. they are being sold as a complete set. if they dont sell by monday im gunna put them on my car and sell my stockers.
no worries man and no disrespect taken. LOTS of people are dealing with hurricane damage issues and i wish you the best of luck with that situation. Unfortunately i'm not gonna have the extra cash by Monday so enjoy them if ya get to install them. These are at such an AWESOME price im surprised you havent sold them yet
no worries man and no disrespect taken. LOTS of people are dealing with hurricane damage issues and i wish you the best of luck with that situation. Unfortunately i'm not gonna have the extra cash by Monday so enjoy them if ya get to install them. These are at such an AWESOME price im surprised you havent sold them yet
Thank you for your kind words about the hurricane issue we are doing the best we can. I pretty much posted that "last bump" because I was sick of all the lowball offers that members were offering me. like you said these are priced to sell and I wasnt going to take any loss on these. the asking price is 100% what I paid for the set last week. im not gunna bump the thread anymore but check with me when you do have the money because I really dont have the time to work on my GN right now anyway. I been running back and forth between staten island and long island to help out me family.